AlienViews on the news...

-- News that shows you something...



...Live and learn!


The rise and fall of a duplicity?




Bigfoot Exists!


I was on fence with regard to Bigfoot.  Intrigued by Jane Goodall's interest, I was still put off by Bigfoot's continuing *elusiveness* in a world dwindling by leaps and bounds. No more...

Bigfoot exists! I am now without all doubt!

How do I know this? How can I believe this to be true?

Simple.  Kal K. Korff is involved with the debunking of it! Kal K. Korff, in another one of his, no-talent, shouting screeds, has proclaimed it a hoax! Kal K. Korff, terrorist foiler and expatriate extraordinary, has come down, decisively, against it!  Yeah, I know he's just debating the Patterson film, but that's his scurrilous shtick. He niggles convincingly (albeit
badly) to the uninformed regarding a *specific* to discredit an *aggregate*.  It is a fallacious ploy he uses to grind the spurious axes of his handlers.  It's a fraud... in my considered opinion.

In as much as our Mr. Korff has convinced me of his studied duplicitous-ness (...he'll never work as hard validating a case as he will invalidating one...), I've found it prudent to see which direction Mr. Korff is moving and then run hard in the opposite direction. I suggest the reader might find it prudent, too.


...At your peril!


Say what you -want- about Howard Stern. Say the he's crude and vulgar or even obscene. Protest his arrogance, amorality, and atrocious audaciousness. Denigrate his approach. Degrade his base subject matter. Disparage his cultural shallowness. But push him off the -air- at your egregious and very well documented peril!

Give the proponents of his destroyers the proverbial inch and they'll take a half a parsec! They always have...

...And then what will be the next *indecency*? What will be the next thing beyond *acceptability*? What will be the *new* obscenity? Think of other radio personalities prone to travel an *uncomfortable edge,* who could, also, run afoul of this, evolving, American Taliban... When it comes to it, good reader, shall we sacrifice Jeff Rense, too ?


Oh My!


This is a one-shot-gets-all, honored reader! No one is singled out. I mean, the "addressed" know who they are. The larger (Thank Gawd!) remainder of us know who -they- are, and the reader may allow it, then, for its lack of personal specificity.

Having publicly pointed out the aforementioned *breed* of "them" currently (these head eating aliens of the planet CSICOPia), it becomes necessary (based on the attendant heart-felt E-mails recently received) to put some pointy little craniums to rest and assuage some piqued dishwater sensibilities ... cool some angry teapot/tempest outrages...



I come to bury Caesar... not to praise (or assuage!) him.

Addressing the "addressed" directly... your hurt pouties and officious condemnations are not with me, you too comfortable, elitist, and ironic (if not moronic) lack-wits, no. They are with named writers and thinkers, investigators and researchers, professors and doctors... brave women and men who have shown (over an extended period of time!) that they can put behind them their more childish ways (regarding a supposed homocentric intellectual position at the center of the whole freaking universe), and think constructively (very likely more profitably) but, necessarily, out of the shallow box that Planet CSICOPia would proscribe for them...

In short? ...Your fight is with persons who -don't- have their heads locked, smotheringly, up between each others amply pimpled, hairyly abundant, and mal-academic ass-cheeks, the way -yours- are!

These writers, thinkers, investigators, researchers, professors and doctors I allude to hold the -higher- cognitive ground, have the -wider- intellectual view, know the -greater- psychological reality, and make the -superior- scientific contribution. They lead (and have led) you by your bubble-blowing noses! In level debates they mop the academic floor with the best your intellectually constipated CSICOPia can offer (or your best would debate Stanton Friedman (et. al.), right now, on national TV, and put this little "UFO problem" behind you, straight away!).

Your fight is with the aforementioned! It is not with me, only -one- of the genuinely innocent observers in the ufological debate where you prove, over and over again (embarrassingly for you), that you shall not win (for -all- the accommodations of your lap-dog mainstream)!

...And me? I've no axe to grind but the one that cleaves for truth... about my society, about my species, about my reality, and about myself. I'll walk away, gladly, from someone or something that has shown itself to be false (as I have recently demonstrated), and it won't matter how well connected it is. My bias, if I have one at all, was created by the greater bias of the opposition! The same way unrestricted capitalists create a communist, racial bigots create Black Panthers, Chauvinists create femi-nazis, and homophobes create militant gays. Someone stood on someone else's neck at the start... and there was a consequence. CSICOP has created -me-!

Moreover, I'm the absolute first with a mea culpa! Why? Because admission is advancement! You on the other hand can admit -- nothing!

Your fight is with the aforementioned persons ! It is not with me, just one of the perturbed and irritated masses who finds you as unconvincing as he finds you presupposing! I'm merely one of the growing numbers of persons who perceive your sneering confidence as complacent arrogance! I'm merely one of the expanding population who sees your current collective worldview not as the "intellectual redemption" of humankind you'd proclaim, but as a diminished potentiality for it, and a tragic, missed, opportunity for same!

Your fight is with the aforementioned! It is not with me, a mere mote of consciousness that you have been able to convince... not at all!

...And not because of some intellectual failing on my part! ...Not because of some cognitive defect I possess! ...Not because of some mental aberration afflicting -me-... no. It is because of the lack of substance in -your- arguments. It is because -you- are shown to be so often in error. It is because -you- are shown to be rationally inconsistent! It is because -you- are shown to be duplicitous, character assassinating, and deliberately obfuscating! Lately you even gloat about it and spin your canted chicanery as a service to science! Astonishing!

Your fight is not with me! It is with a long list of names you work busily to discredit and marginalize, that you furiously prosecute in your totally corrupted mainstream, and that you passionately persecute in Lists such as this one! Adjudicate -these- persons conclusively, ardent pelicanists, scurrilous skepti-bunkies, and insentient CSICOPians, and your battle with -me- is WON!

...But I right cross with a "David Rudiak", upper-cut with "Stanton Friedman," jab with a series of trip-hammer "Richard Halls" and roundhouse with a decisive "Jerry Clark"! This is a random grab of punches from a seasoned ufological arsenal, bunky; there are dozens more past and present!

You're on your -ass-, Pelican boy! You skepti-bunkies are a -sad- and pathetic piece of work, you know that?

...And don't throw your degrees and certificates at me. I'm singularly under-whelmed! I've graduated college recently, MCL, so your degrees have been abundantly (and very necessarily!)... demystified, shall we say...

Moreover, the worst of you has turned an honorable quest for academic truth into a "tyranny of letters" ( letters in many cases pointless and inappropriate, or what's Dr. Nickels doing in CSICOP?). PhD's are the BS of a bachelor in science... just Piled Higher and Deeper... more often than is fortunate for us (and them!)! The message -is- more important than the medium, an argument you'd make stridently, I'm sure, but then ultimately betray... I digress...

I know how you love to wallow in your self-involved little details and mire your oppposition in sticky protestations regarding convenient *definitions* and spun *logic* and artful *fallacy*. I know how you ask the trick question, ignore the citation, give the evasive answer, and employ the disingenuous. I know how you contrive to define your terms, ignore the evidence and engineer same! I know how you fix on the immaterial, cherry-pick your substantiation, and drive data to your foregone conclusions. Truly, *You* are what you'd accuse...

Additionally, arguing with you is like arguing with a drunk or a Fundamentalist. The former's room is spinning, and the latter spins the room. Neither will admit, remember, or be instructed by error.

...And You call -me- a believer! How can I be a mere believer when I find it so effortless to -not- believe -you-? Admit it! It's my lack of "belief" in -you- that qualifies me as a rank "believer"! What a wonderful irony, eh, if you -can- think about what you -can- think about... [g].

Further, you dismiss me as a credulous advocate, when I am only a genuine advocate for the huge volume of -extant- evidence of a quality that cannot be forever ignored...Verily, the eminence of the anecdotal evidence, compounded with the vetted photographic evidence, and then added to the documented historical evidence, gives -every- indication that a ufological assertion regarding this phenomena -must- be more real than not... ! I'm being -abundantly- conservative!

Moreover, when the preceding is framed by the serious artistic evidence, qualified by the available physical evidence, and then compellingly buttressed by the conclusively personal evidence (...if you have any, and I do...), I can only be annoyingly astonished by your continued inexplicable and unsupportable reluctance ... an unbrave reluctance... to face the highly strange music that just cannot be -forever- marginalized!

Does the information available justify attention by the mainstream to perform a more *in depth* investigation of UFOs? Absolutely! Do -you- blithely ignore same? Also, absolutely!

This is the element of your ultimate discredit, you serially insouciant skepti-bunkies, pompously pontificating pelicanists, and soullessly shopworn CSICOPians! We're -tired- of your lot pissing on our aggregate cognitive leg and telling us it's rain! The problems you whine to me about, actually, are not with us (and not with me)! They're with you... your argument, your attitude, and your outlook!

You see? Your paradigms are 19th Century! Your worldview is medieval! Your sense of position in the scheme of things is dismayingly ancient. You are old, you are outdated, and your preeminence is increasingly undeserved (even ludicrous!) with each passing day!

It is -you- that is the millstone around the neck of humanity, pelican-boy, not an undisciplined and impassioned fringe -evolved- to fill a void that -you- provide and make work for you! It's you, actually, that is the scurrilous disease affecting our science, degrading our spirituality, and hobbling our intellectual advancement as a species!

t is -you- blunting the point of our creativeness as a people with your too narrow, excessively shallow, very exclusionary, two color, bigoted and ideologue aping (convenient and self-serving!) sliding-scale values! It is -you- employing your complacent and unequally applied ethics and moral absolutes (provided for and demanded of others... -outside- your conflicted clan) that is the problem, sirs, not those of us noticing that your flag won't go all the way to the cosmic top, that it fumbles the four-field *deadlock-nut* regarding a "handle on things"... that it continues to confuse honest "reach" with contrived "grasp"!

In closing, let me say that all you running-dog PSCs can just -stop- with the whiney, insulting, and ineffective personal mail, your accounts are handily frozen-out as they occur, I'm indifferent to your angry arguments regardless, and there are too many to try to debate effectively anyway (another scurrilous attack ploy your lot practices). I'm not banging a drum I expect you to ever agree with because you see your agreement as, well... your death, actually. And you're right! ...But, your *death* connotes our -rebirth-, dim bulb! So, for your sake and ours, *die* already! Please!

You proclaim that you alone hear the music playing... but you want to isolate the individual notes in the symphony, at best! If you do -that- you'll never hear the complete symphony, and, consequently, never discover which notes carry the ascendant tune!

Awwww... That was probably too *rich* for the poo-poo tushy pelicanists, who don't know from a moribund moot-pooty -- anyway!  It doesn't matter.  I'm not here for -their- hurdles, they're here for -mine-! They can be satisfied, or not, with critical poems at 30 paces, sniper commentary that doesn't respect them, and the occasional piece of art to fly up their self-important noses! On my -own- recognizance, I'm decidedly out of -their- box and comfort zone. They can pound wet sand for their trouble!

Know this! I'm happy to lurk in the tall grass for you. Your disservices will be highlighted! Your fallacies will be explored! Your inconsistencies will be chronicled! Your agendas will be exposed! I won't be the only one to "such" and "so".

I'm not in here with you, proud CSICOPian, glad Pelicanist, and fat-cat establishment Skepti-bunky. You're in here with -me-! Get used to it.

"To the last I grapple with thee!  From hell's heart I stab at thee!  For hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee"!  ...From the creative tall grass, you fatuous myopic!  From the -tall- grass! 


The Real Deal!

A review of Wendy Connors CD "Ufology: A Primer in Audio 1939 - 1959"

Wendy Connors -is- the real ufological deal. 

I say this confiding, honestly, that I report a -great- deal of raw understatement, but I'm trying to avoid any hyperbole that might degrade the sincerity and so then the effectiveness of this review.  Recently (and publicly!) I was accused by canted detractors as having "absolutely zero" cognitive (BS) filters.  I remind the reader that I had abundant -enough- filtration to filter out he who would accuse me of the lack of same... Ms. Connors, on the other hand, is legitimately unfettered by the need of -any- filtration.


Because Wendy Connors is very highly respected as a researcher, and I'm not the only one who says so!  She has been endorsed by ufological commentators as wildly divergent in intellect, contribution, and cant as Jerry Clark and Andy Roberts (leaving it to the reader as to which of them describes the high mark and which the low...) but -her- reputation as a researcher is of the -highest- order! 

I'm unabashedly impressed with Wendy Connors, myself.  She's a genuine ufological investigator of the first water (you appreciate her courage and the jewel-like quality of her contribution immediately!).  In her written work, she is one of the intrepid few able to take a subject too easily interpreted, otherwise, as a threateningly fearful unknown, and with wit and humor establish, for it, an enduring and sensible educational framework for the rational, interested, and healthily curious. Additionally, she allows, as a welcome result of her work, a more useful understanding of UFOs that might be -alternatively- enjoyed... knowledge, reader, -is- generally the antithesis of fear!

The fruits of Ms. Connors -latest- research assesses the taproot of modern ufology.  You see, from the very -beginning-, and at the very -start- (even before the UFO flap in 1947, and as I have written before), CREDIBLE people were giving CREDIBLE reports to CREDIBLE officials running CREDIBLE investigations, and these reports were, in turn, considered CREDIBLE by the even the more elevated, higher ranking, and -hyper- CREDIBLE!

In other words, at the -start- of the public interest in ufology, intelligent, educated, and powerful people thought that these UFOs (...admitted as a physical reality to actually -be- there in the first place!!!) were intelligently guided craft... not of this Earth!  That's a fact, folks!

We know it's a fact because in the old, more naively innocent (and less duplicitous) ufologically *uncontrolled* days, these persons, and many, many others were -recorded- saying so!  That's a fact, too!

Where are all these old recordings then?  What has become of them?  Where did they go?

They were momentarily lost to senseless history; that's where they were!  They were at the bottom of old trunks, in dusty drawers and forgotten unvisited rooms.  They were mislabeled, misfiled, and mistaken for something else!  Moreover, they were corroded and damp and mildewed... in the process of disintegration, aurally illegible, and fading into complete and final oblivion!

Wendy Connors has reversed this ignoble fading of recorded history ( that awful finality of tragic loss); she has mounted, and succeeded in, an -arduous- rescue of this history from that oblivion!  Additionally, she provides for a new -kind- of ufological credibility that would have been lost to us but that she facilitated, expanded, and -clarified- the MEMORY of it for our eventual benefit!  There just can't -be- too many superlatives for the magnitude of this work!  No hyperbole here!

Errol Bruce-Knapp, Jeff Rense, Art Bell, and George Noory have historical precedents (and record their programs for history), or maybe the reader thought these gentlemen sprang fully formed from the forehead of Zeus in the late 20th Century!  No, night radio has long been the province of the paranormally twitchy, almost for as long as there has -been- radio.  Among these was a popular late night talk-show host by the name of "Long John" Nebel.  He was the "Jeff Rense" of his time.

Nebel (et. al.), by way of example, had -all- the ufological luminaries on his radio program and much of what they said, way back when, would raise the hair on the back of a complacent neck, even today.  These seminal programs, among many, many others, would have been lost but for Wendy Connors diligence, computer skill, and poignant sense of -real- history!

Nebel is only a fraction of what you could hear, reader!  There are pilots and engineers and air traffic controllers!  There are doctors and reporters and conservative professional persons!  There are military officers, famous radio personalities, and named scientists!  There are persons such as yourself, reader, presuming your innocence or an honesty or a sincerity plainly heard in many of these astonished voices from the past... real and uncontrived persons recounting their unbelievable encounters in a manner more easily believed, than not!

Y o u ... a r e ... t h e r e, good reader!  Ms. Connors makes you a fly on the wall for "things are now as they were then, except you ... are ... there"!  You're there for a true to life accounting of a historical actuality regarding the highly strange that would have been heard (or remembered!) -no- other way!  This is a one-of-a-kind, kind of thing.

Connors provides a time machine, actually -- a time machine with the focus on the seminal ufological.  Why, one of the segments is the specially abridged "War of the Worlds" program that Orson Wells produced in the 30's!  The reader will recall that this is the radio program about an invasion from Mars by hostile beings that many astonishingly believed (!) ...and where Americans, by the way, gave a damned good accounting of themselves, actually (!), despite believing that they were being invaded by monsters from beyond!  Damned good! ...Whatever the reader has heard, otherwise! I digress.

Connors' work is a dazzling array, a panoply, a huge range, a plethora of the highly strange... (!) Fascinating voices in this astonishing assemblage speak to a real world actuality of the ufological!  Hear the authentic voices of persons you'd only read about as they share their amazing accounts and startling testimonies!  ...Dr. Willey Ley, Dr. Allen Hynek,  Frank Scully, Donald Keyhoe, Captain Edward Ruppelt, Major Dewey Fournet... the list seems unending!

Additionally, there is a lot more than meets the eye with this true -wealth- of a compilation!  It is not just a mere collection of dead voices (they throbbed with life once, same as you!).  No, one gets a sense, as one listens over and over again ( -can- with this collection!), that the ufological struggle by individual human beings has been needlessly endured for decades!  One begins to perceive how people have tried to make sense of what they had witnessed, or how they tried to rationalize their out-of-the-box experiences! One appreciates how they fought then, as they fight now, for sense and sensibility when confronted with the... abject 'weird' and highly 'strange'... that is the larger reality many of us remain convinced -is- the reality!

Ms. Connors has produced a compact disc, a volume one, entitled "Ufology: A Primer in Audio 1939 - 1959", with nearly eight hours of the uncompromised history you've -never- heard before... and that I've -barely- described in this review.  This one disc contains over a hundred recordings of ufological history as it happened, reader!  I think it is as valuable as some the better quality text-books I've purchased and gotten less out of... for a hundred... or a hundred and twenty dollars! 

She wants twenty dollars for the disc, reader!  It's a -steal-!  Orson Wells, all by *himself*,  is worth that... and the disc contains seven and a half -more- hours of quality material!


...for a description, a table of contents, and purchase information.

If the reader knows someone interested in UFOs, they'd love this in their Christmas stocking!  But get it for yourself, reader! Forgetting that it is common sense support for quality ongoing research of the highest order, it's a quality work to have in -any- documentary library!

It's the real deal, folks. ...UFOs -are- real; we are -not- alone...

It's not the beginning of the end, or even the end of the beginning -- It's the -beginning- of the beginning!  "... and you are there...," reader!  Wendy Connors, of "Faded Discs," makes these enigmatic discs, decidedly, -less- faded, and succinctly -puts- you there, right where they -are-!  Hey boys and girls!  It's the future!  Here's an opportunity to spin up on it -- give that future a real PAST and so, therefore, a solid foundation! Verily!  Read on!



...Scurrilous Ufological Shenanigans?

I've just finished the highly controversial Max Burns magazine article "The Usual Suspects" (in the latest "Notes From The Borderland" edited by Dr. Larry O'Hara), and, based very inconclusively on personal interactions with some of the principals, I can make a confident prediction on where I'd come down at some quickly approaching ufological denouement. Additionally, and as hyperbolic as the reader may believe this to be, I am energized to new levels of ufological rage with regard to the way things appear to be and as they have been verified by the principals in this disheartening affair! Verily, I'm fit to be tied, good reader, and more to the point, I hope to engage -you- in this rage, encourage -your- indignation, precipitate -your- resentment, and fan the very flames of -your- well provoked wrath!

It appears we have been done -blithe- disservice, fellow ufological travelers! We're led down smug and defeatist paranormal paths leading to confusion, indifference, ignoble bias, programmed ignorance, and likely... personal loss! Ufology's wheels -were- wastefully spun in this disservice; personal liberties may have been lost in this disservice; civil rights may have been suspended in this disservice; ufology may have been set back 20 years with this disservice! Egregious crimes against the rising and advancing of a human spirit may have been perpetrated, and it may -be- that what has been exposed is a likely tip of the proverbial iceberg!

...Any reader considering the preceding mere hyperbole can just go straight to hell; there was no arguing with -you- anyway!

For the rest... there has evolved, disastrously, a way of doing ufological business, for some, that must be nipped in its suppurating seed-pod! The Neo-psychosocials (exposed by noted ufologist Jerry Clark) have at last demonstrated that they have gone too far! Astonishingly, they -may- have just recently admitted to a decades long program (a pathology, really) of -deliberate- obfuscation, evidence corruption, witness manipulation (if not, intimidation!), and criminal confabulation with regard to UFOs and ufological investigations... extending god-knows where and concealing god-knows-what!

What have they done?

Significant and well known persons (names we know!) are implicated in a seemingly well supported charge of conspiracy to deceive and defraud... as a result of hoaxes, fabricated by -them- and serving only to confound -legitimate- researchers and invalidate -real- research! Proclaiming they work only to increase ufological clarity, their actions only increase the aggregate opaque...

Laughingly, the admitted -fact- of this hoaxing behavior is defended, suspiciously, by the principals... as a practical exercise in the "interests of science", and as an "honorable" devise to keep our ufology (-already- rife with debilitating hoaxes) honest! That is too little, too late, and too conveniently contrived, good reader! Moreover, it doesn't wash!

It's like a person caught pissing in your swimming pool protesting it needed to be done to lower the water's pH! It's like a thief selling a bogus insurance policy and laughing at the inability to get a pay-out! It's like an obvious sinner protesting his ultimate saintliness and then dashing off with his best friend's wife for a sport boink! I would hope that all these persons implicated in this scurrilous deception (psycho-socials and assorted CSICOPians alike) step out of their cheating shadows (Burns has intimated in his article) and disclose what they -know- about this admitted programmed hoaxing in an effort to filter the befouled ufological waters! What's been hoaxed! How! Who was involved! I won't hold my breath!

These misguided, erroneous, and unethical neo-psychosocials and reactionary CSICOPians have needlessly, arrogantly, and as a result of self-involved conceit and clear disrespect for -you-, good reader... -completely- overstepped their ethical bounds... and in the name of *science*, no less! Pause to guffaw!

I cannot -conceive- of the sneering arrogance from Mr. Andy Roberts or the false bravado he trumpets with regard to his PRIDE in the perpetration of a series of energy wasting hoaxes (...for -how- many years now?)! How blatantly ignorant! How tragically unenlightened! How unconscionably destructive! How inexplicably stupid! Moreover, who died and elected him our ufological god of manipulated ufological reality? More still, from what fetid depths of bald-faced self-involvement could this monstrous conceit even originate? Just who does he think he is, what personal credibility does he imagine is -not- destroyed, and why does he think we need believe a single thing a psycho-social ufologist has to say... ever again!?!

Don't these people realize that it is -their- behavior that is the most lamentable, and that much more is said about -them- in cases such as this... than is said with regard to anything or anyone they'd criticize! Can they -not- understand how their performance is no different than them going to the police with a well constructed report for a fictional crime being committed, and then chastise and ridicule the -police- for believing this fabrication? Where is the difference?

What service is performed... but the marginalization of the -righteous- and the minimalization of any -truth-? Why would we not be completely opposed to -any- confabulation of the truth, for -any- reason? Why would we -remotely- tolerate this heedless and -enraging- ethical transgression? Will you tolerate it? Ufological hoaxes are bad enough reader, but hoaxes planted to indicate that -everything in ufology- is a hoax crosses a -fat- line! Don't tolerate it!

Was a *ringer* (the "Blue Hare" in the title of this piece) sent into a Max Burns lecture to record false testimony planted as a -function- of Mr. Roberts ongoing and proudly ADMITTED program of shameful duplicity and fatuously *clarifying* hoaxes? How is this -not- evidence of the psycho-socials unethically trying to torpedo Max Burns' investigation into Sheffield, and sabotaging ufology in general!?! Verily, were these individuals to play the dishonorable game with me that they have played with Max Burns they could compensate me in civil court for infringing on my civil rights... forgetting the ponderous intellectual disservice done the rest of us!

As an example, does the reader remember when Dr. John Mack had a seminar of abductees some years ago and used much of the testimony of the individuals at the seminar in his research later on? When he published his findings, subsequently, the robed and hooded CSICOPians gleefully trotted out the female *ringer* that they had intelligently prepared and then scurrilously planted in Dr. Mack's perfectly -innocent- bosom... to demonstrate the invalidity of his -entire- research! Does anyone else see a parallel here?

Really, good reader! How does an artful and prepared -liar- invalidate a research, at all... but by its innocent and guileless inclusion in that research? Remove the planted lie and the research is made more valid! What was the provenance of -Mack's- lie?

A color test for sugar PRESUMES that there won't be any -salt- used as a control, reader! The salt was not provided by Dr. Mack! Truly, this duplicity, therefore, shall -not- be taken as a comment on Dr. Mack's competence as a scientist... rather it be taken as an -indictment- on the acts of what can only be called his "less than honorable, uptight, and reactionary" -persecutors-!

Is Max Burns being persecuted in a similar fashion? This writer remembers the plight of John Ford and wonders; the question is -heavily- begged! Are the busy imps of *Psycho-socia* passionately engaged in poisoning Burns' ufological wells, refusing his challenges to debate on the record, denying him his opportunity to be heard, assassinating his character, or sabotaging his research and investigation? Burns makes a good, non-paranoid, case that they are! He has citation, he names names, and significant persons have come out in his defense (not the least of which <ironically!> are his own most -vociferous- hecklers...(!!) their own admissions!!!). His artless detractors, on the other hand, use inflated verbiage, character smears, duplicitous spins (one involving -this- writer!), deliberate hoaxing, and strength of skepti-bunky numbers to invalidate, harass, minimalize, and marginalize him!

Seriously, reader! When Max Burns says he spent 15 months writing his article in order to make a report demonstrating how some of our number are prosecuting their ufological business, he wasn't just whistling Dixie! Something is -indeed- rotten in psycho-social Denmark, it's stinking to high heaven, and it is to the detriment of all of us if it be allowed to continue unchallenged! This ADMITTED neo-psychosocial program of hidden duplicity, false witness, and convenient ethics is counterproductive, cross-purposed, and flatly unintelligent. Verily, Psycho-socialists are a ufological al-Qaida in our midst and must be rooted out by flower, seed and stem! Where is your rage, good reader? You've been played for a ufological fool... and continue to be played as such! Get angry! You're entitled! These Neo-psychosocials intellectually spit in your face!

I highly recommend the Max Burns article, which is a long, ponderous, and detailed read, but an indicator, still, that ufology is one -hell- of a lot more muddled than it needs to be, suffers needless and deliberately contrived hurdles in its hamstrung execution, and is manipulated or intimidated by self-styled agents of extremely -malicious- misdirection! I suspect these practitioners of easy duplicity should be run out of town on a ufological rail! They've betrayed the obvious trust and -must- be censured! Verily, they perform no service but a clear disturbance of the ufological peace! Moreover, they are the antithesis of the very science they say they pay allegiance to! They are dirt on our ufological shoes. They are Vaseline on our ufological lens. Sincerely, they must be... stopped!

Look around, reader! Psycho-social Ufology is not as it appears! Resent being deliberately fooled, manipulated and confused! Buyer be vigilant! Buyer... despair! Their path is your ignorance... your confusion... beware!







My first encounter with John Ford occurred around July 12, 1996.  I was driving from  Alabama to Florida to join my wife for a weekend vacation and a little celebration of our impending 23rd wedding anniversary (Hey! I'm a normal guy!)  The drive is a pleasant one, on good roads, and I was really enjoying the trip! Ahead of me was two days of good beer, fun in the sun, and a cessation of college for the summer (I'd returned to college after retiring from the military to get a teaching credential, which is a whole -other- sordid story...).

While I drove I listened distractedly to some car radio.  I wasn't really listening to the news or the announcer as I drove and was, in fact, just about to tune to a *hairier* spot on the radio dial when, abruptly... the announcer used the expression "UFO."  That stopped my hand at the channel knob, and I settled back into the car seat to listen.  I have an interest in UFOs as does any rational person... [g].

Anyway... The reporter shared (I paraphrase) that some loopy UFO whack-job from Suffolk county, New York had been arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit murder... in a new, new-age and completely inexplicable way!  It seems this "crazy" person *purloined* a quantity of radium from some facility somewhere (Brookhaven I think), and his *astonishing* plan was to break into the victim's house... put powdered radium into the victim's toothpaste, and murder him as a result of radiation poisoning!

Let's pause for a moment to let that sink in...

I remember thinking at the time that this incredibly hapless fellow must be one mondo-bionic dim-bulb of a ruminating snot-bubbler... (!) to try a stunt like that!  Besides, wouldn't it take -years- to dispatch someone in that manner (if it worked at all!), and what about the logistics of the act itself? Radium is hot stuff, easily detectable!  I'd think when the victim turned his lights off to retire and wife or family noted that Dad's mouth glowed in the dark... it might have meant something to someone!  Frankly, I found the whole episode too puzzling, too unlikely, and just plain dumb.

Something about it just wasn't right, though,  and curiosity's fuse got -lit-.  I thought about it off and on all weekend, and I decided that when I returned to Enterprise after the vacation... I had to have more details in its regard.  It was just too bleedin' stupid to believe!

It's coming up on eight years later, and I am saddened in the extreme regarding what I found out, almost from the beginning, that there is much, much more than meets the eye with regard to the John Ford Affair... like it is, pretty much, with anything else... well, like it is with pretty much -everything- else... but I digress.

Right off the bat there were surprises...

Consider... someone *unsettled* enough to put radium in someone else's toothpaste... must have some kind of *history* of aberrant behavior, wouldn't you think?  I mean, a guy like this just doesn't spring fully formed from the head of Zeus!  There must be some kind of record or audit trail of deviancy... wouldn't that be fair?

But no -- there is no such record!  In fact, the absolute and exact -opposite- is the case! John Ford was a model citizen, a court officer, and a holder of a college Master's degree.  He was good to his mother, and though he has -yet- to marry, he'd dated and gotten close a couple of times; he's a normal guy!  He was a registered Republican (which he can be forgiven for...I suppose), but he's active in local politics (the point), and he's even known to weep at the suffering of small animals.  He'd regularly rescue stray dogs from the pound.  He volunteered selflessly during civic emergencies.  The guy was a proverbial PILLAR!  Also proverbially, anyone who's known him has said that it is *impossible* that he could be involved in a conspiracy to murder -anyone- much less and -especially- someone as high profile as the intended victim, John Powell... the biggest wheel in the Suffolk County, New York political machine -- the biggest such machine in the country!

...Think, for a moment, about the *influence* of a political machine such as the one just described... think what it could impose, ...and -throughout- a slew of conflicted government departments and hip-shooting private agencies!

Let -that- sink in a moment!

John Ford was something else, too.  He was stubborn.  For cause, he could get so far up your nose you could feel his boney knees on your septum, and he was prone to explore every inch of his constitutional *rights* -- to every corner of the ethical envelope, too!  He was a retired court officer and had observed how a litigious Suffolk county worked.  He wasn't a bone-head, he wasn't a dupe, and he wasn't a fool, but he -was- a *Boy Scout*, and he thought the Constitution of the United States was a -living- document that actually -meant- something...  John was an honorable man -then- (as now, I'm betting), but if you disrespected him or discounted him you'd quickly hear about it.  He knew how to make the system work... or so he thought!  That system would turn on him like Sigorney Weaver's *Alien*... and cocoon him in -fact-!

John Ford was something else, still.  He was EASY to discount.  He was EASY to marginalize.  Subsequent smirking writers of obvious and uninformed -bias-... would later portray him as a pathetic and ineffectual mook with failed political aspirations... a loser, a loser who lived with his Mom.  Prone to be portly, he looked a little like Elmer Fudd and -that- distinctive appearance was predictably accessorized (it's been said) with the voice of Daffy Duck... the poor guy was -roundly- painted for the fringe.  Still -- he was tenacious, contentious, and certainly tendentious... he took no crap!

John Ford may have been one -more- thing.  He may have been crazy.  But if he was, good listener... he was benignly and efficaciously so!  Moreover... (and note -this-... he was interested in what the truth was; he was knowledgeable and talented with regard to *ferreting* that truth out, and he knew how to organize the troops to chase a bear through the buckwheat!  He was active in local government, remember; he -understood- about grassroots activism!  And... (and it's a big "and") it was not a preponderance of the persons around him, by any means, who thought he was remotely crazy to begin with!  Moreover, those intrepid and discerning persons thinking him a... pork-chop short of a mixed grill... assumed he must be crazy because he "believed in UFOs".  Hey!  FLAG DOWN!!!  So does Stanton Friedman!  So does Edgar Mitchell, and, very likely... so do YOU, reader! 


The question's begged when the listener's turn comes!

What was John Ford doing, really, when a couple of platoons of SWAT team showed up at his residence to arrest him for conspiracy to commit murder? Well, he was doing what he did best! He was organizing the locals for a lawful exercise of their of their natural right to be INFORMED about what they are paying for (!!!)... and he was doing some expert detective-work to facilitate that end!  He was -also-, and note this... feverishly investigating John Powell and Powell's complicity... in the strange behavior of the police, firemen, Parks&Sanitation and -other- government officials of Suffolk county, New York!  ...Behavior peculiar in the extreme!

What was John Ford's root concern in all of this?

Well -- John Ford, no dummy remember, was sure that Suffolk County officials, and the titular -head- of those officials, John Powell, were all hip-deep in a *conspiracy*... to cover up the crash of an alien space craft near Moriches Bay on September 28 in 1989...

Now -- for any of you listeners out there smotherin' a giggle... remember that dozens of credible witness saw -something- highly strange transpire in and around the bay on that night, so those foundationless giggles (the listener might be muffling?)... can be retired with some shame!  Verily, and since 1982, the New York counties of Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Duchess and Westchester... were swamp-gassed with some 5,000 reports of large, boomerang-shaped... unidentified flying objects in the skies overhead... giggle if you still can...


In a completely lawful manner, with a minimum of "actionable eccentricity", and with some intelligent intensity and single-minded passion, John Ford -investigated- John Powell.  Well within the law, and with some vigor, the little guy tried to get the gotcha *goods* on the big guy.  One can certainly begin to predict the eventual outcome of -this- David and Goliath story...

...Time warp...

When I was a child living in west Connecticut I used to hear my Dad tell his friends these stories, myths, and legends about the cess-pool of corruption
that was Suffolk County, NY in the forties and fifties...  Does the reader have any idea what the "quotient of corruption" is NOW... or in the 1989 to
1996 timeframe, specifically?  ...Do you think it got any better, friends and fellow motes?

Let me just cut to the curly short-hair chase, ladies and gentlemen!

John Powell was dirty as hell!  In 1999, and out of political favors apparently, he would be charged with (and plead no contest to!) Racketeering, Grand Theft, ... Extortion!  And that's just what they charged him on, folks can bet it was the tip of the iceberg!  In the year 2000 he would be given the *minimum* sentence of twenty-three months in a *minimum* security country-club!  With good behavior, you know like not being -caught- raping a fellow inmate... he would be out in 18 months...

John Ford, on the other hand has not drawn a free breath or seen the light of day since 1996...

Is anyone else seeing the connected dots in this picture?  The truly intrepid John Ford was investigating a man, one John Powell, who could bear -no- investigation of -any- type!  John Ford likely scared the wild, blueberry HORSE-MUFFINS out of John Powell (and what kind of mamma' s-boy-loser can John Ford -be-... if he can make a BIG fish in a BIG pond like John Powell sweat the hook!)!

Is it a stretch to suppose that John Powell could have exercised a few tainted *muscles* of his vast political machine of graft and conspiracy... to... TORPEDO John Ford?  Given the senseless facts of the case, John Ford's history, education and references... does the listener think it *remotely* possible that this is so?

Oh, it's so... it's just another iteration of the same old story we become more and more accustomed to in increasingly terrorized and tyrannical world...  Goliath, friends and fellow motes, only loses in the Bible! 


And forget -all- about John Ford's assertions with regard to UFOs, which may or may not be dead on the money (if wrong in FACT, he is most assuredly abundantly correct in SPIRIT)! John Ford's ufological assertions may have -been- all wet!  They REMAIN; however, beside the point (...only significant in that Ford's "belief" in them proved the case of his... trumped UP... instability... so he could be more handily cocooned and effectively silenced)!  What's IMPORTANT remains to be that Ford was busily investigating a -man-, a -criminal- man with long ties to organized crime, and so a man who could -bear- no such investigation!

John ford is innocent, and he rots in prison for the convenience of an ongoing conspiracy and a criminal elite!  Plain and simple!

Truly, Suffolk County owes John Ford more than they could -ever- pay.  They owe him his pension, a home, his savings, his modest gun collection, all his memorabilia, all his lawyers fees, and year after year after year of hard, hard time... Time made -all- the more intolerable... in as much as he was very likely a complete -innocent-... for ALL of that time!

Ford's attorney, one John Rouse, has given every indication that the case against Ford is specious at best... and wholly contrived at worst!  The witnesses were suspect (...perhaps planted, or sold Ford out for reduced sentences committed in other crimes... I mean -nobody- knows went on there!), the clinical evaluation determining that he was *insane* was almost certainly flawed, canted, and ignorantly uninformed, and the "B" movie circumstances surrounding Ford's ongoing torment... are too suspicious to be minimally credible... and are without DOUBT scurrilously fabricated!

John Ford deserves a re-look, a change of venue, or a hearing of some type to try to get some real justice done.  The loss of Ford's freedom for the
convenience of a craven convicted criminal is the symbolic loss of -all- our freedoms, a repudiation of everything that America is supposed to be, and a
crime in its own right.  


John Ford's civil rights and right to personal liberty have been violated in the most fundamental sense and we VALIDATE the arbitrary rule of *privileged* autocrats... to let John Ford's ongoing treatment continue...  This cannot be allowed to stand!  Restore John Ford to his previous life, Suffolk County, now and with all deliberate speed!



Q: What’s the latest on John Ford?


A:  The last I heard he was being shuffled back and forth between an institution for the criminally insane and regular jail while they decide if he’s mentally fit to stand trial.  ...Cruel and unusual punishment by any stretch of the imagination, forgetting we have a constitution that prohibits that in this country...


Q: How is his health, now.  How’s he holding up?


A:  Who’s to say?  I understand he’s gained a lot of unhealthy weight.  ...And it would be perfectly understandable if he -was- stark raving mad or otherwise as crazy as a poop-house rat!  I know -I’d- be.  Bad enough going to jail if you did something wrong, but BEYOND toleration if you’re completely innocent!  And the real, real horror is that John Ford was a kind of *cop* with an Elmer Fudd physique and a Daffy Duck voice... shoved into a prison’s general population for much of the time...  I don’t think I have to paint a picture regarding what that might mean...


Q:  Does John still have any hope in sight with legal representation?


A:  Ford was completely wiped out trying to defend himself -- lost his home, life, and everything else.  My understanding is that when he ran out of money he also ran out of lawyers...


Q:  How is John Ford an albatross around -your- neck?


A:  Ford is a living metaphor for the loss of liberty we all suffer in this day and age.  I’ve got a suspicion that if John Ford can be restored there may be some hope for the rest of us.  Restoring John Ford is the right thing to do, and it’s the right time to do it!  He’s innocent, I’d bet my bottom dollar!  Were it you wouldn’t you want all of -us- to be interested and outraged at your plight?


Q:  Is there a place where the listener can get more information.


A:  Yeah -- I’ve got a raft of stuff over at AlienViewGroup website (, news articles, poetic commentary and critical prose with regard to Ford... it’s off the "Explore" page under John Ford...


Q:  Is there any hope for John Ford at all?


A:  Sadly,  the only hope John Ford has rests in our hands... and we’re as easy to dismiss and marginalize as he is... I say again!  Let John Ford slide and -your- turn is coming... Save -him- to save yourself!


Beyond "M"-Cubed!

A review of Bruce Maccabee’s stunning new Novel "Abductions In My Life."
by Alfred Lehmberg

Increasingly, Ufology and its sister phenomena, the Abduction enigma, provide a cutting edge perspective on the whole of Human experience. As such, these perplexing anomalies are in a position to facilitate substantive "firsts", new initiatives, or useful new inventions. One such recent initiative is no less than the invention of a NEW LITERARY FORM! Verily! This singular ufological *first* is discovered in Dr. Bruce Maccabee’s new book, “Abductions In My Life,” and proves to be a stunning "first time" accomplishment of particular efficacy on any level the reader cares to name! ...No hyperbole here!

In a new literary style Dr. Maccabee has identified as “Faction” (Fact melded with fiction, this writer presumes), he assumes a literary form so as the reader is able to tell, easily, plainly, and seamlessly... what can be taken as FACT in his novel, and what can be taken for fiction.

The reader might ask himself, "why."

Traditionally, if the writer wants to write a factual book, he writes a factual book. If a fiction, then a fiction. Right? The former has citation, the latter is bereft of same. Moreover, it is the *conventional* wisdom that a writer "best serves the reader" by writing one... or the -other-. What can be gained, the garden variety CSICOPian might scoff, in the mixing of the two?

"Reader confusion at best," Dr. Nickels stutters. "Reader misdirection at worst," Mr. Klass proclaims! Dr. Maccabee destroys that arbitrary CSICOPian conventional wisdom, handily.

Consider. Most quality books of fiction are fiction -heavily- rooted in fact. That factual foundation is what gives that work of fiction its immediacy, its reality, and its intensity. A difficulty is realized, though (in the service of -real- education), when the fact and fiction slide so well together that the truths are indistinguishable from the fantasy and the facts don’t stick! It may -ring- true, but one can’t know in a Michener Novel, a Clancy work, or a King production what -is- and what is -not- fiction. The facts can’t stick and the reader is not elevated when she -could- be elevated!

Consider also that the book of fiction is usually more engaging and attractive to the general reader than the tediously cited nonfiction book. Unfortunately, most non fiction books with regard to ufology fall into this category. They are text-books, in fact, and quality ufological text books -are- difficult and not a little tedious to read. As a result of the giggle factor, they try -hard- to be serious or to be -taken- seriously... and it shows, tediously, with all but the most gifted writer. Invariably, this translates to a fewer number of people (by an order of magnitude!) actually -reading- said quality book...

Dr. Maccabee is a quality researcher with decades of close tolerance interest in a subject that he -knows- is of far reaching importance to us all! To get the maximum number of people involved with a ufological research effort he knew he had to get a preponderance of people to read “the book” -- ANY quality book.

How to get them to -do- it was the problem. Dr. Maccabee’s answer was serendipity itself.

It occurred to him that a book of entertaining fiction laced with facts was the answer he was searching for! But how was he to make it plain where the facts -were-? How could he make the facts as -interesting- as the fiction. How could they intersect with the fiction and not get -lost- in the fiction? -That- was the thorny issue. His solution to that problem is brilliant, innovative, and typically cutting edge. Moreover, it is highly effective, completely accurate, and cunningly transparent!

Dr Maccabee’s literary protagonist is no less than a dyed-in-the-wool skeptic. Like many of that persuasion he was duped by polite society into believing that all things ufological were the province of the *misinformed*, the *mentally aberrated*, or the criminally *misinforming* (the "M"-cubed crowd). In other words, UFOs were the result of patent ignorance, irresponsible drug use, or the efforts of the odd unethical scalawag!


Anything else was anti-science and lop-eared lunacy! Anyone with any -sense- knew that to be true! Noted CSICOPian Dr. Shermer had proclaimed it! The protagonist, reader, was initially of that mind!

Chance puts this intelligently hard-nosed protagonist in contact with a very believable key adjacent character who doesn’t seem to fit -anywhere- in the duplicitous "M"-cubed triad of the preceding paragraph. As the story unfolds and as an innocent favor to this character, the protagonist does some necessary in-depth ufological research on the way to some really eye-opening self-realization! Cleverly, Maccabee’s *invention* of fact/fiction presentation (and the clarity of separation between them) occurs as a result of the research the -protagonist- undertakes -enroute- to his ufological denouement and outdated paradigm shattering enlightenment! Key sections of the research books are written -INTO- the story with all their footnotes and citations! As the protagonist reads, the reader of Dr. Maccabee’s novel reads over the protagonist’s shoulder -- is along for the ride, so to speak. And what a ride it is. Double “A” tickets, reader!

The protagonist breaks frequently for illuminating inner dialogue, and in that dialogue something very wonderful happens! In a step by step process, and as a result of reading the quality research material, the protagonist is rationally transformed (transforms himself!) from a knee-jerk idle skepti-bunky into a critical and informed "believer" (so to speak), but a believer in the best sense of that word! -This- writer is -unaware- of where that "awakening process" has been traced out, explored, or otherwise dealt with in any -other- work of fact or fiction. The fact that Dr. Maccabee has accomplished it here (for what this writer believes to be the first time!) is fortuitous, seminal, and a validating god send! The result? Humankind turns a philosophical -corner- with this book!

There -is- an actual and rational path to the reader’s OWN ufological enlightenment! Anyone -can- go there! Maccabee shows where the rocks -are- across that turbulent ufological stream!

As the novel’s protagonist is transformed, educated, informed ... enlightened... so too is the reader over his shoulder -- and in the same manner! The reader -becomes- the protagonist... and consequently (!), denial... well-- it just becomes another river in the middle east.

Additionally, the characters are drawn real enough to give a damn about, credible enough to believe in, and inventively intelligent enough to provide a stealthy education! They are genuine persons, reader, in -direct- contact with the inexplicable and unknown... and once again, they are people that are going to have to wing a response to the high strangeness... on their own and of their individual volition! ...Just like the -reader- would have to...

It’s a damn fine read, folks! It’s a science fiction novel for the person that doesn’t like science fiction novels or fiction novels period. It’s a work of fiction for the person that likes a great fiction, without a doubt! People I gave it too couldn’t put it down. ...But there’s an *education* that slips in the back door of Dr. Maccabee’s book, good reader, and it’s an education enough to make that rip-roaring fiction held in interestedly trembling hands an actual -reality- after all! -Though- a fiction? It's a -true- story!

To paraphrase the good Doctor’s book, here’s hoping that they -can- be friendly. They’re the future after all. Contact Dr. Maccabee for a copy at: , and -prepare- for that future!



...Mars approaches!


With all respect to Ms. Ferguson, I have -every- intention of seeing the next encounter, and the one, even, after that. The cosmic limits suggested by our embryonic technology make it abundantly clear that millions now living may never have to die... in the first place. In the second is a -well- and -credibly- documented "acceleration of everything" that we perceive... to some exponential denouement of the "greater reality," (to qualify that longevity...).  And thirdly, absolute statements are wrong, invariably... in spirit, in practice, and in fact.


I suspect this approach of Mars must have a presently unguessed at effect upon our self-aware human sentience, and these effects are undreamed of by our juvenile aggregate imagination. Moreover, I suspect that the planet's approach is further symptomatic, or a component of (or provides a metaphor for), our similar approach to the aforementioned cosmic denouement... or changing of an Age...


I don't know, but the sense of it is strong within me, and many more -significant- others. Change approaches!


As to that new reality spoken of, significant others      -also- propose that human beings are capable of effecting that reality in turn, and further, are =best= served cultivating a reality that is open, tolerant, forward looking, egalitarian, liberally educated, and involving as much of a *healthy* population as is possible! We'll make our -own- reality, and that new reality -better- have a huge middle class!


We live in an age, presently, that has always lacked the =informed= consent of its individuals! This facilitates the promotion of a distracted -ignorance- on its "clueless-by-design" citizenry, and does so while fleecing that rank and file, busily, with agencies, institutions, and corporations that -disrespect- them, openly, as individuals. This begins to change...


The file sharing masses of the communication age (that genie who won't be rebottled!) provide an antidote to that programmed disrespect for individuals, a -preparation- for individual respect kindled at last, and is the limitless -power- behind that inexorable acceleration mentioned in the first paragraph... all powered by individuals.


Consider, if aggregate humanity was just a -little- more on the ball (?), we could have timed a major thrust at colonization for our sister planet's close approach and used her as a stepping stone to the waiting stars. That's an opportunity that we've let slide auspiciously by... how many -other- efficacious opportunities are we letting by (for the good of the few at the expense of the many) as we approach, relentlessly, a climax of one corrupt age, and the birth of one all new!


Think about -that- as Mars brightens in the sky, and, individually, prepare!



...has anyone -else- noticed?


Has -anyone- else (who regularly reads Rense News) noticed that much of what one reads at is reported in the -mainstream- media... only -days- and sometimes -months- later? In fact, once one gets past the specious charges of anti-Semitism and the groundless accusations regarding homophobia (both are fatuous), the Rense radio program and news service proves to be a -very- effective media outlet (for -real- news reported in a timely fashion) that is without equivalent, equal, or peer.


Is it mere illusion that it seems to look into the future, too? Yes, but that's the fault of a hijacked and thoroughly corrupted mainstream. One -should- be getting it, first, from them.


Other services pretend to Jeff's level of pure journalism and only flatter themselves. Other news collectors imagine themselves at his level of journalistic excellence and fall short in the actuality. Other efforts to report the news feature conflicted persons who would envisage, for themselves, a prescience (readily reported by Rense!) that they cannot mimic, contrive, or impersonate because they owe their soiled souls to the conflicted corporate store! Rense seems alone in his ability to report competent news that actually -respects- a reader! Rare bird that!


Additionally, forgetting that you can get real-time exposure to critical news items that you will see nowhere else, Rense maintains a searchable archive for a virtual library (also without peer) that can provide quality information on virtually every subject of consequence conceivable! From diet and nutrition to potential looming disaster, through UFOs, all the way -across- the political landscape... and glaring unflinchingly, finally, at the rational paranormal (and more!), Rense provides a serious and ongoing examination of subjects that would be pursued, furiously, by the mainstream he -disgraces-... if that mainstream had an ounce of fairness, a hint of courage, or a scintilla of responsibility!


How good is the Rense site when compared with virtually -any- other media outlet? I'm a reasonably intelligent guy and not the dullest tool in the shed. I hit the Rense site -first- for my initial take on the day and I do so without embarrassment or the remotest reluctance. I am well served for the effort. Will I find the same kind of studied balance on Foxsnooze? Will I get the same kind of in depth analysis on CNN? Will I get the same kind of broad coverage and a quality archive on MSNBC? No, no, and... no.


Wake the children and tell the neighbors honored reader! When it comes to wide-band news of consequence, completeness, and real value one can do no better than Jeff Rense. Read and -be- improved. Change is coming, ladies, gentlemen, and entities lurking! Read about it -first- at


Forewarned -is- forearmed!



...Made in America?


The onerous and unbalanced 'We'll Get Him' statement is at once ironic and chilling.  It's ironic because 50 indistinct years of an unaccountable shadow government has had every hand in the creation of these *monsters* to begin with... so we have always -had- them.  We tool them.  We nurture them. We reward them.  These *monsters* are agents, largely (...but who can know!), of -American- manufacture, verily, and they have utility to a non-elected government -bereft- of that accountability... who would make =use= of this kind of egregious tool, on or off American soil!  That's a sad truth.  "Savage" Sausage and "Hannity" Horrific KNOW this to be -abundantly- accurate...

 The aforementioned chilliness is facilitated by the obvious, given the stunning -reality- of the preceding paragraph.  But adding injury to insult, another couple of sour-water ice-bags are thrown on for good measure at the mention of an indeterminate number of -years- not *specified* in the canted bravado of the blustering oath! 

 "...Could take years..."  ...The *official* talking-heads pontificate with their canted and elitist wattles all a-flutter, "...True Americans need to accept that this is going to take a long time...," and, "...We're in for the -long- haul..."!  The reasons for -this- writer's worried chilliness, then, are produced in the fearful actualization that there -must- come a time in a protracted prosecution of this *war*...  when even reasonable criticism of the process is proclaimed as -treason- against the Nation that practices it, and rational dissent is re-defined as -sedition- against same! 

 Will concerned expressions such as the preceding land me in some American Gestapo Gulag eventually?  I'm more than a little concerned about it, feel threatened by unaccountable forces that have no respect for me as an individual (...-never- had respect for me as an individual!), and I'm tormented by -similar- concerns for my family, children, and close friends... 

 We've nothing to fear but fear itself?  Not this time, honored reader.  Now we must fear the "architects" of our fear, those crafty sociopathic bastards -provoking- fear for their own ends, with devices of their own manufacture, to facilitate non-admitted agendas they'd condone.

 We won't "get him", good people!  We've always -had- him!  Be not fooled!



...Every Word is TRUE?

"Thorough and Monumental!" Credibility to the Sixth Power!
...a review of the stunning book by Richard M. Dolan,
"UFOs and the National Security State"
by Alfred Lehmberg

In a more perfect future world, an updated copy of a book that I am studying presently will be a much respected core text in the history classrooms of highly accredited colleges. Indeed, it could (and should) go into many different kinds of classrooms (from high school to graduate school) right now, as required reading, and certainly be a top-listed alternate for many other different kinds of classrooms.

A more than cogent work of captivating literacy, it does the -job- of a textbook... it catalogues, lists, and indexes like a textbook, informs like a text book, educates like a textbook...  -improves- like a text book... but it -reads- more like a top drawer Stephen King novel! Oh, it's minus all the fictional whimsy and the interesting and inventive characterizations (while it keeps all the bizarre plot twists of a King novel!), of course... it has to be minus those things.  It has a -special- responsibility.  As much as it can rationally be determined... (?) every word -in- this book is, very likely, true.

Pause to reflect on that a moment.  Let it squeegee an intuitional third eye on the courageous cognitive.  Let it sink in. "Every word is likely true..."

With this book, Richard M. Dolan (a new minor god I have selected for -my- personal pantheon [g].) is right up there with what I've generally considered the Brahms, Bach, and Beethoven of classical Ufology (with a capital "U").   This small list includes my ufological taproots, E.J. Ruppelt, J.A. Hynek. and J. Vallee.  Around these seminal three (and
forgetting for a moment the illuminating instruction I've received from Mr. Dolan indicating a demonstrated need for a much -broader- and more -inclusive- roster reflecting a more -complete- pantheon... so as to include gallant -others- we've heard too little about!), are my -other-, very highly respected, ufological musicians: Friedman, Hall, Clark, Sturrock, Haines, Maccabee and Connors et significant al.

All of these intrepid researchers write, and write effectively, rationally, and relevantly, but none have reached out and rung my cognitive gong for a stunning academic connection, or remotely grabbed me by the stacking swivels of my intellectual sensibilities like Dolan's "UFOs and the National
Security State...", and -all- of the preceding researchers have rocked my WORLD to one degree or another...  Lately, they are joined, prominently, by Mr. Dolan.

All the way through his -magnificent- manuscript one is compelled to take -continuous- astonished stock ... "Wait a minute!", the reader will -frequently- exclaim while on the -rich- literary journey!  All indications -are-, you see, that what you are reading (!) is the way it  "was" THEN, and the way it "is" NOW!

Let -that- sink in too!  The universe really -is- stranger than we know! Nothing is as it appears!  The *rabbit hole* is much, much deeper (and more convoluted) than we -ever- would have imagined!

Dolan informs us that the ufological deck was MARKED from the beginning, patient reader, forgetting for a moment the stealthy stacking, double and bottom dealing, or obvious missing cards manipulated from the shadows of our
jealous culture!  A bill of damaged ufological goods has been sold to us and continues to be sold TODAY, Dolan warns, and it is sold in a manner only more insidiously and sociopathically evolved than it was before! Mainstream
historical materials were (and are!) of substandard issue, and a secondary slight of hand of shameless and self-serving duplicity festoons the imperatives of impious persons whose only claim to righteousness, power, and -control- is (and was) that they'd had the money...  They'd -always- had the money...

Verily, Dolan reports that a pig in a ufological poke was proffered and shoved down the throat of a fearful, war weary, already sacrificing, and badly informed citizenry by a lapdog media (even then!). Additionally, at the same time, the beginnings of a coterie of insane and -unaccountable-
black-box agencies schemed and maneuvered (Hoover-like!) busily, secretly, unethically... illegally... resulting in our aggregate personal ignorance, contrived uninformed consent, and the incandescent hatred individual American citizens must endure, from much of the rest of the world, today!

...As the preceding world turns, its skies remain pregnant with unidentified (all but ignored and startlingly INCREDIBLE!) flying objects! Objects capable of the most astounding, other worldly, and flatly impossible aerodynamics achievable!  From the very -beginning-, Dolan clearly demonstrates, and at the very -start- (of the modern flap in 1947), CREDIBLE people were giving CREDIBLE reports to CREDIBLE officials running CREDIBLE investigations, and these reports were, in turn, considered CREDIBLE by the even more elevated and -hyper- CREDIBLE!

What happened? Where did that "imperative of credibility" go, and go so abruptly and suspiciously? Dolan has more than a little rational insight into that!

Assiduously careful with the facts of ufological history (and history in general), and in a long and painstaking research effort, Dolan has produced a work so incisive, well-ordered, and reasonable that the well cultivated fog usually surrounding the subject of ufology lifts like a micro-waved
cloud!   Wary of the usual pitfalls, Dolan is -hugely- successful in providing facts that a reader can put on their -own- framework of ufological understanding (so that the reader is free to derive their -own- ufological conclusions)!  *Answers* are not supplied so much as they are refreshingly
replaced by rational discussion of the facts as they occur in time... but one can still derive all the answers one can handle, honored reader, rest assured!  Dolan's just not going to insult your intelligence by dictating your conclusions.  Dolan is a -real- historian!

Grabbing indiscriminately from Dolan's book, some of the discussion includes Dolan's very reasonable thinking on how and why UFOs are treated as a cultural joke, how and why *grand* underrated conspiracies are patently -real-, and he exposes the too conveniently and reflexively interpreted subversive -nature- of UFOs (probably the -real- problem, we'll come to find!).  The mechanisms in place for the delegitimization of ufology are identified and iterated, and indications are exposed regarding ufological secrets that are merely -representative- of... even -more- astonishing secrets! Let THAT sink in!

Additionally, the unsettling suggestion that the aggregate secrecy furiously maintained, facilitated, and protected by a non-accountable and non-elected leadership is that these secrets are kept... likely NOT for the reader's benefit, and indeed to her eventual detriment!  Verily!

From the book: Do stiff-walking skeptics reveal their pompous ignorance, prejudice, and presumptive conservativeness with the questions they ask... and refuse to ask?  Have -many- more "quality" persons had encounter experiences with genuine UFOs than we know about?  Was the Condon Committee infiltrated and torpedoed?  Does ufology really -rate- a respectable History?  How long has our government, -really-, been spying on its rank and file citizenry?  What -must- have occurred at Roswell?  What are the interests of our ephemerally covert intelligence communities regarding UFOs, then and now?   Can Mr. Dolan provide citation for his incredible, far reaching, and illuminating report?  Read the book.  The preceding teasers don't even get past the first chapter!  Read the book!  Buckle up, but read the book!!

Read the book to hone a cutting edge for the inexorable future!  Read the book to become more than a mere buff of the garden variety ufological!  Read the book to begin a process of scraping the cultural scales of last century from eyes ready to enjoy a -new- clarity of unfettered human vision!  Read
the book and exercise a new freedom! Read the book to catapult us all to the very real STARS! Read the -book- to come refreshingly and positively alive!

It's a textbook.  It's a riveting account!  It's stranger than fiction, more informative than a quality self-help manual, and it is a genuine ufological secular bible masquerading as a hot page-turner!  I could go and on, be more effusive yet (believe that!), but I pause with reluctance (and to the relief of some... I'm sure [g].) so the abused reader can visit the site below for
an affordable (cheap at three -times- the price, friends and neighbors!) copy of their own.  This book is off the -tall- end of the star scale, seriously!  I -unabashedly- give it my highest possible recommendation!

Finally -- a book regarding the ufological FUTURE, written about the ufological PAST, and providing some REAL insight on the... -real-, remember (!)... ufological PRESENT!  Real History folks, earning every inch of Apollo "14" astronaut Edgar Mitchell's -towering- endorsement on the thick book's
(decidedly clever!) cover.  "Thorough and Monumental," the justifiably elite moon-walker said...

With -all- respect to Doctor Mitchell... (?) That's reduced to stupefying understatement!  Were even a sizable -minority- of (real) Americans (forgetting for a moment persons -anywhere-!) to read -this- book, the aggregate holistic sensibility of the entire -world- would take a quantum leap forward!  This book is that important; this book has -that- imperative; this book is that current and relevant... ( the book should have been
written back in 1949 and we would now inhabit a living ring of breathtaking construction in our own asteroid belt (!), and be reaching out to the promise of the ever beckoning stars)!

In closing?  This writer's hyperbole circuit-breaker never popped, even if it -did- get a little warm! Believe it. Sincerely.   Read on.










...Who's the -real-Terrorist?

I feel like I'm putting myself at peril, a little bit, here (and
resent being compelled to feel that way by present national
circumstances), but why do we treat Senator Ashcroft (a failed politician who couldn't even beat a DEAD man in his own state election) as a person whose judgment could be remotely considered, trusted, or acted upon regarding =anything=?

Verily, he's a self-anointed and puddle-deep religious
fundamentalist, a wool-dyed social neo-conservative with an
up-tight authoritarian mien, and is, in his own way, as loopy as Osama Bin Laden is supposed to be.  Moreover, can't any -other- fellow American perceive that it is not about control of
manufactured *terrorists* and inveterate *criminals* that is the issue at hand (and who can blithely end-run most of the Senator's disingenuous initiatives in their lawlessness); it is
the -control- of rank and file citizens that Ashcroft covets,
their -domination- that he desires, and their -subjugation- to
his two-color and people-hating (and hate mongering!)
religious -will- that he would have.

...Impeach NOW!  He's the -real- terrorist!


Further Comment by
Alfred Lehmberg

[...] A telling addendum to my comments above (which I perceive to be at -least- as "fair", "balanced", and "accurate" as anything I see on "Fox-snooze" and "BSN") regretfully follows.  My wife, a German National I met, fell in love with, and married while stationed overseas in Germany in 1972, is extremely upset that my comments were published on the Rense site at all...  why is she fearful?

She's not concerned that I might be further associated with
"ufological loopy-ness", "abduction nonsense", or "Crap Circles"!  She's concerned, fearfully (and chillingly!), regarding the horror (and aftermaths of horror!) she and her parents experienced in the 30's and 40's in her own nation (Hitler's Germany) where she spent the first 25 years of her life.  She fears the Fascist Gestapo!

She's concerned, genuinely, that the smirking men in black
leather dusters are going to show up at the house and take me
away!  She's concerned that our military retirement check is
going to be stopped, and our taxes called into specious question!  She's concerned that we are going to be placed under surveillance and our neighbors are going to be questioned (smearing our reputation and standing in the community).  She's concerned that her boss (who has a contract with the U.S. government) is going to fire her from her part time job (which is the only thing keeping our heads above water).  She's concerned that we are going to get death threats!

In a recent conversation with her father, a veteran of the second great war who served on the transcendingly  -ghastly- Russian Front, she remarked to him that she was more than a little intimidated by this new "American" nationalism that unites disparate social factions into a United States... somehow fundamentally different since 9/11.  His reply was that, "we [Germany] had that once... but it went -bad-, it likely -always- goes bad.  It will go bad for the US, too, and for the same reasons."

I think that he's right.  I think that corporate interests and
government facility have met in an unholy alliance of faculty,
purpose, and execution (that Eisenhower warned us against), and that we are -well- on the way to our -own- fascist state...
encompassing all the abject fear, eventual horror, and degrading misery that that evil path entails!  Our liberty is in peril, our livelihoods are compromised, and our sense of well being is devalued!  Our citizenship has -already- been asked to spy on that same citizenship and soon we could, nationally, be naught but a mad dog eating its own tail, just like NAZI Germany of last century!

As you read these words, conflicted law-makers are signing
volumes of immutable infidelity into law that they have neither read nor understand!  I remind the reader (in light of these observations on the political health of our nation) that we are still at the point where -each- of us only has to be only
a -little- bit brave... to combat this turn to the worst that our
nation fatuously pursues!  We are Americans, damn it!
Individually, we love liberty and aspire to fairness.
Individually, we appreciate that we are -nothing- if we are not
champions of free speech and proud of our right to lawful
dissent.  Individually, we are what America is -supposed- to be, not what Multi-national corporations and their articulate talking heads coerce it towards!

We can turn this tide if we are just a little braver as
individuals, now.  A little bravery from everyone NOW will
preclude any one of us from having to be =consummately= brave later on.  The time to act is now.  The time to speak out is now.  The time to respect individual sensibility and freedom of expression is now!  The time to demand more than an illusion of civil liberty is now!  We can't wait another minute!

Truly, being just a little more brave -now- will preclude law
abiding, tax paying, and freedom loving persons (such as my
innocent but still, astonishingly, government terrorized wife!)
from that which is elected, subsidized, and legislated to protect them, and NOT make them miserable and fearful!  That's not the America that I've sworn oaths too, and which I've put my life on the line to defend!  Not by a long shot!

I abhor what my nation is becoming if it can make my wife, who has ALWAYS been an American asset, fearful of =being= an American, thinking what an American thinks, and doing what an American does (by right)  -- LIVING FREE!  Free of fear, free of minimal want, and freedom from corporate neo-conservative (and increasingly more fascist!) government tyrannies!

Be brave people!  Spit in fear's eye!  The life that that fear
dictates is not worth living, verily!  My wife, bless her heart
of hearts, deserves more than that, and so do YOU!










..Who's the -real- Patriot?

Well said, Good Doctor!  Bravo Prima!  I'm a veteran of Viet Nam, the last Gulf war, and a -very- highly decorated retired military aviator who stands -proudly- WITH you... even as we disagree on a few points!  I, too, look askance at an *appointed* commander-in-chief who likely abused dangerous drugs, arrogantly dodged a urinalysis test that would have confirmed same, and did so while showing patent CONTEMPT for a collection of armed services, from which, he now (ironically!) demands -so- much!

...As to why they would "DARE"?

They DARE because they are greedy sociopaths who won't be called upon to do any of the fighting!  They DARE because they are without enlightened sentience, common sensibility, or -any- sensitivity!  They DARE because their drive for unrealistic and unethical profit has obscured an awareness for the future consequences of their selfish actions (to the masses), even as -they- believe they are insulated from them!  They DARE because they -understand- (only too well) that they track a short-sighted course to cultural perdition, social disparity, and society suicide!  They DARE because they are the *front-line* ENEMY of our right to free expression and lawful dissent!  They DARE because they know their time is running out and so are furious in their doomed attempt to maintain their questionable positions of (purloined!) power and authority!  They DARE because
they have no other choice but certain failure, crippling censure, and justifiable impeachment...  they DARE because they wish  to preclude their eventual extinction as a class!  They DARE because they -think- they can get away with it!  They have another *think* coming, don't they, Doctor!

I'm proud, Dr. Boniakowski, to stand, with you, stolidly (and
even stridently!) in their (non-creative and authoritarian) way,
if it will help ensure that the hapless America I thought -I- was
defending in combat re-emerges from the webs of tyranny
threatening to corrupt it since before the day Kennedy was
assassinated!  Thanks for speaking up, sir!  I join -my- small
voice with yours!











...the information Void?


I heard John Velez (a noted abductee) doing his outraged and oft repeated verbal shuffle over at UFO UpDates (the Cadillac of ufological Lists) a few days ago, regarding the paucity of relevancy in "SCI-FI Declassified" (a new series of programs on the Science Fiction Channel exploring paranormal subjects).  This was the first in the series, and with but few bright spots, it -was- pretty bad... but that's not the point.

 Richard Hall (a highly respected UFO researcher) has uttered sentiments similar to Velez's just recently about a related subject regarding the incident at Socorro.  Together, their strident invective includes the expected outrage contained in the [paraphrased] "scurrilous detractors of their beloved (and parochial) Ufology" speech they do... so earnestly and with such conviction (and regularity).  Rational though it would try to be, it is, still, a speech filled with off the mark and outraged passion -- angry indignation for the fringe loopy-ness they outline as predominantly responsible for the aggregate disrespect the study of UFOs invariably receives.

As is customary with parochial worldviews, though, they miss the proverbial broad side of the barn by the obligatory parsec.  By way of example, theirs is speech that defines an attitude missing the point.

 What -is- the point?  Walk with me. [g].

 The much maligned *fringe*, unfortunately, is the only reality seemingly available for some, and it -is- inhabited by adherents to strange beliefs and alternate philosophies (not -all- bad!), forgetting the bright spark of veracity at the center of it that fuels the rest!  Typically, they do; however, (in the aggregate) earn every -bit- of the skepticism and challenged veracity they generate, facilitated and habituated as they -are- by slick hucksters, clever con-men, and strident scalawags of extreme sociopathy most decry!

But, don't get excited yet!  As these are in the vast MINORITY (actually), those persons just pointed out are, still, not the issue! 

 More at issue (...but not there, -yet-!) are the rank and file *believers* (or adherents to these beliefs and philosophies), those who (perhaps) innocently support the hucksters, con-men, and scalawags;  persons who give -those- scabrous their power and influence, and without whom -those- slick-mouthed scurrilous, reviled by Hall and Velez, are rendered impotent and powerless.

 Why do THESE persons -believe- the scabrous scurrilous?  That's the point Mr. Velez or Mr. Hall can't seem to address, put their finger on, or even admit exists.

Forget, for a moment, that the Ufology suggested by persons such as Velez and Hall does not (and cannot) exist in any real form for them (as they would have it).  The "inappropriately revered" peer review (in its present form), this two-color science (data avoiding), and so too rigid... (and so not so) critical thinking they'd approach respectfully... has failed them... ...because they are (ironically!) -alone- on that page of investigative music they'd wish to play! See?  They, alone, are playing by the rules.

 Verily, the mainstream that they support and to which they'd otherwise give credit (adoration?) has no respect for them, shall not validate them, and is arbitrarily closed to them. It shall not credit them in any way. It cannot! Better for -all- concerned that they pointed their rage at that, but I digress.

 Ready examples of the aforementioned "attitude", Velez and Hall consider the scientific mainstream, apparently, a friend or ally and in their camp... ...while it in turn considers them its hostile enemy -unwelcome- in ANY camp! 

Self-deluded into thinking that they are on the same team with it, these gentlemen blithely pander to its supposed rationality and pursue its appreciated favor when, rationally, that favor can -never- be returned...  The moment that it -does- it ceases to be the *mainstream* that it -is-:  A hijacked and therefore corrupted, immaterial, and -invalidated- mainstream. 

There is nothing main-stream about the mainstream, honored reader. It has ALWAYS been manipulated to pursue the current hidden agenda. It has -always- been a fabricated lap-dog of the REAL villain in this piece.

Why -do- people believe?  This is asked airily dismissing whatever Dr. Shermer (or any -other- noted CSICOPian) has to say on the subject.  Their sneering rejection and raw reflexive denial renders their contribution worse than irrelevant!

Derisively accused, once, of being a ufological believer, Margaret Mead (at her death in 1978 the most renowned anthropologist in the world!) countered that the only thing she *believed* about UFOs was that they -remained- [suspiciously] unidentified!  And that is the crux of the matter brightly tied with an iridescent bow!  

People "believe" because they are hardwired to believe in something, something they might believe has more substance than what's ladled out to them from the official party line.  We rank and file are such pathetic and trusting fools...

 For all the -massive- evidence (encompassing facets of the personal, photographic, historical, physical, and -quality- anecdotal) regarding UFOs, UFOs remain bereft of identification or the simple *mainstream* -admission- that they even exist!  This is bald cultural treachery plain as the nose on the reader's face!

To wit!  The point!  This OBVIOUS denial (not limited to just the ufological by the way) creates the "informational void" that the aforementioned "denied" (you and me)... ...abhor and must endeavor to fill -- any way we can!

 Human nature is -revolted- by a vacuum (or void) this demonstrated lack of quality information precipitates.  Nature abhors the vacuum in turn, and all know the imperative of nature to fill a vacuum, even if the vacuum is educational, informational or intellectual.  Especially, when it is educational, informational or intellectual.

Into this knowledge "void" of many (otherwise earnest) individuals pours the Heavens Gate Cult, the Urantians, the Raelians, the Unarians, and even the Sean David Mortons or Richard Boylans.  Christianity, Islam, and other more quasi-religious memes (Like Scientology) satisfy many others the exact same way... filling *that* which cries out to be filled: the yawning hungry sink-hole of personal ignorance.  It is culture's betrayal of its participants that this informational sink hole is remotely allowed!

 Is the *information void* created (directly) by any of the preceding? No.  These groups and individuals (assuming, for a moment, their lack of veracity) only take unethical ADVANTAGE of the aforementioned "void" already there.  From where does the information "void", then, come?

 Rather predictably, I guess, I offer that the information "void" is a function of the duplicity and obfuscation busily perpetrated by a society functioning for the benefit of the few against (and at the expense of) the over-legislated many.  The information "void" is a toxic byproduct of a corrupt culture that cannot maintain its spurious status quo unless it arbitrarily controls (read restricts) the flow of that information -it- regards as threatening to -its- existence.  

The information void is the poison fruit nurtured in public education (read -non- education) and foisted on the trusting by institutions allegedly created to serve those trusting -- only, preying on them instead.  The information "void" is a result, then, of a contrived system more concerned with the individuals that manipulate it (them) than it is with the individuals that empower it (you and me)!  Us and Them, again, only -we're not the ones moving off from rationality. 

No... "We" are abandoned!

Information that is at cross purposes to the *system's* continuance is buried, otherwise covered up, or discredited to insure that system's survival.  Is this not becoming more and more obvious to everyone?  Clearly -- the *system* (as it stands and such that it is) should -not- survive.  If heaven can fall, good reader, perhaps it -should- come down.  Be that as it may, a vacuous "void" of informational imperative is finally forged.

 Into this conjectured "void" flows the concerned individual's ardent desire to "know" and "understand", and for many, any philosophical roughage will do.   At least until something better comes along -- something that at least *appears* to assemble more pieces in the big picture than is gotten *officially*. 

The garden-variety individuals of our society are set up by that society, then, as easy pickings for the sociopaths the society too conveniently tolerates (and may even generate!) to mask its complicity in that ignorance, an ignorance facilitating the ongoing  agenda (read conspiracy... uh huh, yes... sorry!) to deceive.  Scum lining up to fleece the gullible, but scum that wouldn't even -be- there if it couldn't queue up to profitably (but erroneously) fill the informational "void" created by these conflicted *crafters of culture* in the first place!

 This is why the sputtering attitude of  Velez and Hall are off target, off the mark, and missing the broad side of the cosmic barn.  Their rage and, yes, -justified- anger is poorly aimed.  It is a rage that does -not- concern itself with the actual reasons for the aggregate ignorance, but concerns itself instead with that which is created, sometimes even innocently, to abrogate the ignorance already -there- (that they -don't- address!). 

 People believe loopy conjectures only because otherwise quality information is not forthcoming and denied them!  That's the long and short of it.  

If quality information was made available... the inexplicably tolerated social criminals that advantage themselves as a result of its (unconscionable!) absence, and at which Velez and Hall expend their otherwise efficacious energies, could not exist!  Verily, if the mainstream actually -reflected- the prerequisites and the prerogatives of a legitimate *main* *stream*, the dissembling fringe provoking their petulant bile would disappear in the puff of smoke it otherwise resembles! It would not even be -around- to cause them such "sturm und drang".  There would be no room for it!  Quality information would already -be- there!

 To recap, attitude examples Velez and Hall only concern themselves with the symptoms of the disease that seemingly infuriates them and -not- the disease itself.  The *disease* is the unelected leadership that practices its unending and reflexive denial handily providing for an informational "void" at the start!  The *symptom* is that which is generated to counter the obviously specious denial, as bizarre as that counter-action may be, in a pathetic effort to fill that informational void!  Truly, more bizarre is the angst and indignation of some who indolently, complacently, fatuously, ...and even smugly... aim their articulate guns off target and then spew invective and express surprise when they don't hit same!  It's a waste of their time and ours and a retreat from that which concerns all of us.  Let's cure the disease, reader, the symptoms will then take care of themselves.

 That's the alien view!  Read on.


...from the horse's mouth!

"Clark McClelland -- No Hype. No Hyperbole. No Histrionics."

I'm going to recommend a -website- in this piece.  I don't often do that, very seldom even for my own... but this site is so exemplary, so experientially cutting edge,  and so fraught with astonishing "primary reference," I would be remiss and would regret it personally... consider it a personal failure, actually, if I did not have some -small- part in getting the word out about it. 

It's that good.  It has -that- kind of rock solid veracity.  It has that much potential for GENUINE disclosure.  It deserves every bit of buzz that can be generated about it. No hype.  No hyperbole.  No histrionics.  Verily!
Play a little bit of "what if," with me, honored reader, if you will.  It has a pay-off.
What if you got a letter from someone (someone in which you had more than a degree of trust) regarding an introduction formally desired by a -third- person... a special person with certifiable and very likely credible intelligence on the -reality- of extraterrestrial UFOs?  Lets say this third person had awards, salutations, and testimonials from extremely well known personalities.  These household names would be drawn from the disparate ranks of legendary journalists, uncontested heroes, renowned scientists, and celebrated researchers.
What if this -third- person could plainly demonstrate such high levels of uncontested authenticity and genuine sincerity that it strained credulity and even shook confidence to believe him at all?  What if you thought his credentials were just too good to be true?  What if his claims were so shockingly audacious, so unbelievably paradigm changing, and so institutionally foundation shaking they just couldn't -be- the truth... but -were- the truth, in fact!
Additionally, what if this person was unethically singled out by a sociopathic society, criminal culture, or a duplicitous mainstream for his efforts and busily -persecuted- for his lawful, rational, and intelligent (if not "out of the box") interests (as many of us -are-... that is, interested and persecuted...).  What if he was ruined financially, destroyed professionally, and devastated emotionally, all on the whim of a nebulous and too convenient professional technicality born of a crass and arbitrary institutional tyranny!  What if he was unfairly, like you or me in his shoes, very nearly, wiped out?
What if, good reader?  What if it -was- me (forgetting that it is!).  What if it -was- you (forgetting that it could be!).
The pay-off?  The reader is way ahead of me!  The man exists, in fact.  His name is CLARK McCLELLAND and he has a... story... to tell, net-friends and cyber-neighbors!  Wounded by -years- of depressing futility involved in the struggle to get his job and professional reputation back (in likely -colluded- courts I remind), he thinks he might have more than enough for a few *books* that he can -readily- produce.  These books would detail the disclosure I mentioned earlier (that which is anticipated by some and dreaded by the rest?) in a more than honorable effort to get some of the proverbial *ends* meeting again...  There is -nothing- wrong with that.  There is -everything- RIGHT with that!  It -is- right, after all! Yes, it is!

 Cutting to the chase, -your- interest, measured by the amount of HITS his web-site gets in the near future, would help him determine if there is -enough- interest in his project to -justify- his spending what little he has left producing the aforementioned volumes.  Go to his site -now- and get just a taste of what Clark has to offer in this thing that so interests all of us...  His books promise to be most... I was going to say informative, but "disclosing" would be a better choice, on reflection.

I've spoken with him at length, he is all (...and -more- than!) he says he is... He is candid, intelligent, and sincere.  He's a rocket scientist for goodness sake, a space shuttle pilot, or was, at least, welcomed in their esoteric ranks before his now decade long persecution began... and at sixty-seven he's a little more interested in truth-telling than he is in hoax-perpetrating.  That's -not- just THIS writer's take, I add.
Go to
Your mere act of "surfing in" to his site will facilitate what could be the very real threshold of ACTUAL disclosure, reader, I kid you not.  No hype.  No hyperbole!  No histrionics.  -I'm- convinced, at any rate;  I'm intellectually buying in to what he has to say with little or -no- trepidation.  He's not too good to be true.  He's good -enough-, and -likely- true...  -I'm- betting!

Read on, but on Clark's site, first, if you would.  Go to and contribute, perhaps, to some -real- disclosure and the inevitable future!  Please... Go now.  -You- could cast the decisive vote for truth... verily! 


...UFOs are here!


"UFOs are Here" -- A review and critique

of the film by Stan Deyo.

UFOs -are- here, first and foremost. This is the patent reality... I can hear some of the internal dialogue. You're wrong. Shut up.

Credible men and women agree with me, yesterday and today. These rare women and men are of a caliber that facilitates unanswered debate challenges to the most accomplished and well funded of the skepti-bunkies (or the most strident of the puddle-deep negativists). This transparent cowardice of the latter-mentioned is obvious given the narrowness of meager imaginations, the shakiness of privileged positions, and the wide gulf of arrogantly -homocentric- assumptions. So say the credible men and women.

Additionally, these credible men and women allow that the aforementioned concoction of cowardice and shaky assumption can no longer be excused! As it is an errant indulgence ill afforded in our quickly accelerating times, it is increasingly abhorrent behavior that must be -changed-. Disclosure is, only, a -first- step!

Unfortunately, for all concerned, the formerly mentioned credible women and men handily burn their canted opposition down to the -ground- in a real debate. Their two-color opponents would have to admit some kind of "defeat" at the denouement of that deliberation or look like complete fools, in the aggregate, to a -balanced- observer. That's why they don't debate; they -can't- debate; they won't debate! The precariousness of their positions precludes the giving of even a nanometer of ground, lest they slide, completely unimpeded, from their unjust airborne towers... but I digress.

Stan Deyo agrees with me, apparently. In at the ground floor of the quality UFO research mechanism, he has been looking into UFOs (among other significant investigations) for quite some time now. Amazingly, he has done so, for all those years, with out even once, remotely, -disgracing- himself or his subject. Astonishing! He was a contemporary of Hynek. He was conversant with Speilberg. He was in contact with Vallee. It would appear that he has solid enough credentials. [g].

Deyo served Ufology well, apparently. I couldn't find a cogent contrary word about him in a weeks worth of searching, and I -tried- to find some meaningful dirt on him. Like Stanton Friedman or Richard Hall, he has avoided the winsome *woo-woo*, steered clear of the credulous *crackpot*, and sidestepped the foaming *fringe* (it -would- seem!). All in all, his startling claims of decades ago appear to remain unchallenged (indeed, they seem unsettlingly prophetic!), and his bona-fides look genuine. He might, actually, be the kind of man most easily typified as a truly original American of rare intelligence and even rarer talent (...and a man with strong convictions that he is not -compelled- to push up the observer's nose, reflexively!). I could -like- a guy like this, and so redouble my efforts to be on extra guard! [g].

Be that as it may, Deyo may continue to serve us well with regard to the ufological. He's putting together a six part series of DVDs that chronicle his association with ufology (over the past thirty-some-odd years), and it may go a -long- way towards facilitating quality information on the subject at hand and on many of the -sub-sets- of that subject. Truly, it may go a -long- way towards facilitating some -real- disclosure. He's been around a long time and it appears we have an affordable opportunity to have his rich experience for our own... in a way we can study for ourselves, if we wish it so.

Contrarily, his first DVD in the series, at *first* blush, is an amateur production of 1970's UFO nostalgia, festooned with (overlong and largely inappropriate) clips from "StarWars" and "Forbidden Planet." Push -past- this momentary (and largely invalid) distraction, good reader. Be not fooled. There is -gold- in that muddy river bottom!

Indeed, Mr. Deyo himself expressed some regret to this writer at not being allowed more creative control in the DVD's production, and pieces of it make -him- groan, I suspect. The aforementioned is said forgetting, for a moment, that it is Deyo's creative contribution to the old documentary's beginning and end that book-ends it, -compellingly- providing for its currency, power, and relevancy! Moreover, the -conscious- observer realizes what she is -seeing- in the details of the film and her -breath- is taken away! Verily!

"UFOs are here," say Kenneth Arnold (with some agitation!), Jacques Vallee (calmly and reasonably), and J. Allen Hynek (from the standpoint of -real- science!). "UFO are here," say Margaret Mead (intelligently), Stanton Friedman (logically), and Klaus Nobel (humbly). "UFOs are here," say Steven Spielberg (candidly), Squadron Leader White (cunningly) , and Reverend William Gill (with 38 other people, astonishingly). "UFOs are here," say Presidents, pilots, and scared air traffic controllers. UFOs are here. Friends and uneasy neighbors! Verily!

"UFOs are here," continues Ray Palmer... which I'm sure will earn a smirk from a fallacious few with ill-molded minds locked in the comforting stone of their suspicious *conventional wisdoms*. Say what you want about Ray Palmer, a publisher of 1940's tabloid pulp magazines. Some will too reflexively dismiss him as a "puckish showman" and "clever huckster" encouraging a UFO hysteria to sell more "mindless" books and periodicals! This ignores the fact that it was largely his "mindless magazines" (an absolute -first- of their efficacious TYPE, by the way!) that -hugely- catapulted the imaginations contributing, directly (!), to the technological wonderland we presently ENJOY today in a 21st Century! Moreover, Palmer had his finger in a ufological dike we all -know- is there, early on! No, point a finger at Ray Palmer, bunky, in ignorant malice, and have it end up painfully in your -own- eye.

"UFOs are here," says Colin Cameron, recently released from an institution for the insane... and uh-huh... I can even -hear- the reader's eyeballs roll up! Be not -too- proud, good reader. As loopy as his story was, he still captured a few seconds of some compelling UFO footage that -this- writer had never seen before, forgetting that his lack of *sanity* (whatever -that- is...) in no way precludes his telling the -truth-, whatever his personal take on that truth might be! He might -be- crazy, but he doesn't have to be a liar! Yes, he might -be- crazy, but, like a reflex detractor, he doesn't have to be -stupid-, too!

Margaret Mead addresses this obliquely in the film when she expresses her irritation at being disingenuously labeled as a "UFO Believer." "The only thing I -believe- about UFOs," she says, "...Is that they remain [suspiciously] -unidentified-"! She goes on to point out that not -near- enough is being done (on any level that matters) to actually -identify- these *things* that remain so illusively "unidentified"! The question is begged: Who is the -real- believer? Or, who -really- lives in a dream world?

No, the DVD is exactly what it is billed to be, a -first- disk in a video diary, a -compilation- of Stan Deyo's direct involvement, contribution, and truth-seeking association with the principals and luminaries of ufological research. It makes no apology for the appearance of history to our jaded eyes (Stanton Friedman looks nineteen!). It does not pretend something is -not- so... (like the mainstream does to this day and hour or minute!). It does not evade or obfuscate the issues (like the institutions of our spurious skepti-bunky officialdom!). It does not mislead, hoodwink, or misinform (like the CSICOPian adversary in conflicted and convenient opposition!). It is, most certainly, sincere.

"UFOs Are Here!", stands apart from the legislated and enforced ignorance of our corrupted society with arms innocently akimbo and palms decidedly up. Moreover, it dares to suggest the answer to the larger question in the minds of the -remotely- conscious: UFOs are -here-! Stan Deyo begins to make that more obvious, and we're along for the unusual (but cogent) ride if we want to be. Based on the initial disk, even with its flaws (hell... -especially- with its flaws! [g].), I gleefully anticipate the next installment in that ride. I'd suggest the reader might, too.

Information on purchasing an affordable copy of the initial DVD can be found at: .

Read on!



...praying for twins?


Why not triplets?


Frankly? I'm not a little appalled and certainly revolted at the ZEST with which this (apparently thoughtless) woman contributes so -gleefully- to the waste, misery, terror, and destruction festering on the planet presently... remembering that every bit of it is rooted in the horror of our suffocatingly complacent human overpopulation.

Doesn't this irresponsible woman understand that the more children she has the less any -one- of them HAS to be respected (by a culture busily marching to the easy tyranny caused by that aggregate disrespect)? She blithely, happily -- mindlessly... devalues the quality of life for her descendents with her consumptive behavior and an airy wave of her fatuous hand.

This woman should get some kind of "Darwin" award... some public recognition as a puddle deep insentient, forgetting for a moment that I'm sure she and her 'contributing' husband are -fine- people. It's disgusting human displays like this (Yes! Like -this-!) that keeps the saucers from landing... among other injustices.



Read on!


...Equality the future?


I wish I could just push a *button* and insure an opportunity for every sentient being on the -planet- to understand what a
watershed document this is! The good Doctor DeMeo has the
"dead-lock nut" on it when he says "violence [terror, misery,
injustice, poverty] is avoidable." It is all too, -so-,

My own humble (and very amateur) research and (high profile) experience over the last three decades has given the same indication point for point right on down the line! By
extrapolation we -can- live (in comparison) in an Eden-like
utopia if women are allowed to rise in positions of authority
equal to men. My own father pointed it out to me three decades ago, and I was in strident denial of it for -years-. "...Things would be better off for -everybody- if more of 'them' were in charge..." he said to me once, grudgingly. Real irony here.

Most men I'd discuss this with (one on one) would agree with me that that is so. I mean look at -any- country that treats their women worth a tinker's damn and that is going to be the
more -successful- country -- obvious as the obligatory nose on a fatuous face. Most (western civilization) women (in a group or singly)? They don't want to hear it, want to avoid talking about it, and get irritated if pressed about it. About this subject?  They don't want to hear that they are *superior* ( -love- to hear it.).

Why? I think because they know that -that- is the genesis of
their nine thousand year persecution we're realy just coming out of this century. Verily! Female inferiority is a -myth- designed to mask relative -male- inferiority! The shocking truth revealed!

As to any of my brothers out there in the readership that are
wondering if I'm a (so called) "scented nancy boy" or "raving
butt-pirate" to harbor such strange convictions, let me make the obligatory assurances. Status as a retired Army officer and decorated *war hero* ensures that I'm likely, with -most- of you, to rip off your literary head and use your debating throat for a toilet... this for being offensive to the homosexual community, in that manner, in the first place, and for in -any- way trying to justify the aforementioned MYTH in the second. Moreover, I'd really have to question -your- manhood, and otherwise speculate on -your- security with it if you feel you have to waste fallacious time questioning -mine-. Especially given the obviousness of my rational contention, the common sense embraced by it, and the -demonstrated- efficacy of it. Get used to it, boys.

For the girls? Sorry for blowing your cover, ladies, but time
grows short. We've got to get on with this. We have to            -prevail- in a very real "War against women" precipitated
presently by fundamentalist Islam (and to a lesser degree
fundamentalist Christianity), or it's a long painful slide back
to 1350 AD.

Our acceptance of facts like this is going to smooth the
transition we are accelerating towards. It will ensure that we
triumph over adversity and weather a catastrophe. It'll have us inhabiting a living ring in the asteroid belt, eventually! Hell, it'll make the saucers come down, patient reader. It'll make the -saucers- come down! We could make our own Eden and enter (if not, create!) a galactic community at the same time. We'd have a -point-, and we would have a -place-.

Equality! It's a -future-!

For AlienViews, read on!






I'd like to go on record to say that I am personally appalled at
"Penn and Teller" and their obtuse ad-hominum attack vis a vis their new Showtime series, "Bull Shit", on persons associated with the abduction conundrum and ufology in general.  At first blush their hackneyed production is merely uninformed, unbalanced, and unprofessional.  Closer examination seems to expose real duplicity, shameless confabulation, and a total lack of -any- ethics.  More consideration strongly suggests libel, dirty-tricks character assassination to facilitate hidden agendas, and the usual mainstream persecution of free-thinking persons for daring
to think out of the aggregate social box!

Participants in their program were -obviously- misled,
manipulated, and misinformed with regard to the purpose of their interview and use in the program. Creative editing -was- used to cant the contrived results into inaccurate and degrading distortions of summative disparity for the persons involved. Persons associated with ufology (and ufology itself!) were turned into mouth-breathing dolts or roundly foolish comic foils for a sneering (and very disappointing!) Penn and Teller, who laughed all the way to the predicted bank for their slack jawed and axe-grinding trouble, I'm sure (only *denial* makes the money the skeptibunky airily attributes to the true-believer).

Ironically, we take a step back to the fundamentalist -dark- ages with their aptly titled new Showtime series "Bull Shit".  Verily. They blithely craft this crude assault on rational sensibility in the name of "knowledge advancement" like -any- good CSICOPian (the show was, oh by the way, -heavily- touted by that skeptical pretender as a "must see"), and this is the root of my appalled disappointment with them.

I'd thought Penn and Teller were hipper than that!  I'd thought
they were -smarter-.  I'd presumed they had a degree of
with-it-ness that, I come to find, is just -not- there.  I -used-
to enjoy their performances. Penn and Teller -used- to be minor gods in my personal pantheon. They -used- to matter to me.  No more.

Now they are merely a two-headed James Randi for the X
generation.  They are 21st Century CSICOPians.  They are
ufological Luddites, ironic enemies of human growth and
advancement, and two-color debunkers in league with the corrupted mainstream.  They no longer -count- (with -me- at any rate)! They are no longer -relevant-.

I'd suggest the reader put the portentous "Penn" and tedious
"Teller" into rational perspective, gauge the scope and effect of their contribution to documentary television with their
"Bullshit" series (-their- name, remember), and put them in the
same class as -other- 21st Century *reality* shows... but write
them off as time, even -more-, foolishly spent. Truly, Penn and
Teller have only demonstrated that they have no "there" there, any where -near- there -- SO there!  Ignore them for the buzzing of the prevaricating flies they so propitiously ape, and move on.

For AlienViews, read on.



Fear and Loathing in the USA

...Fear for fear's sake?


Yes! With all respect , chill -out- America!  Truly, as true now as it was then, we've nothing to fear but fear itself!

I am by no means a weapons expert in the same class with Sergeant First Class Thomas.  Still, I can affirm that his very coherent essay is spot -on- with regard to the alleged threat suggested by Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear (NBC) weapons and their posited use by terrorists on rank and file Americans.  I can make this assessment very comfortably.  Given my own more limited experience as a career Army officer assigned additional duties as an NBC training manager (forgetting the hundreds of hours of individual education in the defenses available with regard to these weapons  received in twenty-three years of military service and until my -own- retirement a decade ago), I feel I can be very comfortable indeed.

Assuming for a moment the total veracity of  the sergeant's cogent, learned, and experienced comments on "WND", what are neighborhood Americans being panicked into a terror driven "stampede" for, really?  This is the issue that should be considered instead of the foggy and indistinct terrors suggested by the over-sold, over-blown and over-the-top (and perhaps even overtly absent!)  uses of Nuclear, Chemical and Biological weapons... suspicious weapons held precariously over our heads by the *elected* leadership like the sword of some terrorist Damocles! 

What is TRULY achieved with our terror?  Who -gains- as a result of our fear?  Where is the profit?

Scared people are more gullible people.  People fearful of their lives concentrate more of their attention on that which threatens them.  Frightened people are kept off balance, more cooperative with perceived authority, and more easily compelled to -hate- that which they fear.  People ruled by fear are -manageable- people.  Ask any Mob boss selling protection how profitable that can be and begin to get an inkling of what is, perhaps, the real agenda proffered by this so called "new" threat awareness.

People who live in fear are much more willing to make -big- sacrifices to alleviate that fear.  They give of their sons and daughters and of themselves.  They give up their freedom (such that it was).  They give up their liberty (such that it could be).  They give up their autonomy (such as it is dreamed).  They give money, entitlements, and constructive interests.  Additionally, they too readily forgive or forget a  lesser (perceptually) *real* evil to combat the larger *imaginary* one.  They'll gladly forego the small gains made against social injustice and governmental tyranny over the last 50 years.  They'll forget who the enemy really -is-.  Verily, if history is -any- guide, they'll give up their very souls...

...And could it be that that is the point? 

The government is suspect.  The media is suspect.  All things are suspect.  Even our suspicions are suspect!  Could it -be- that we are being manipulated, managed, and maneuvered into corporate *line* to satisfy the needs of those that have something less than the total welfare of American people in mind?  Given the conflicted motivations and questionable legitimacy of the Bush administration, his ties to big corporate oil, and the (well documented) lies -already- told... the likelihood seems certainly plausible if -not- undeniable!

We -can- take a deep breath, America!  The fears of terrorism, terrorists, and their egregious acts are likely as overblown, over-sold, and over-the-top as SFC Thomas thinly indicated in his essay! But, additionally, that fear -may- be a vehicle used simply to extort more and more money for petroleum that still flows, -unimpeded- (from -Iraq- I've heard!), to this day!  Moreover, it just might -be- that the Ashcroft endorsed  "home security" hyperactivity associated with terrorists and terrorism is a mechanism to relieve us of more and more our rights, freedoms, and -real- securities... all in an effort to make us over into more docile employees and impotent cognitive drones... drones as intellectually dry as the bone dust we Americans have -already- produced in Iraq and Afghanistan and in so many other countries of this tortured and fragile globe...

The United States is the Rome of the 21st Century, good reader.  It is as ill served by unthinking adulation and reflexively ill-conceived and wrongly motivated patriotism as the old Rome was!  It is best served by rationality, law abiding dissent, and thoughtful reflection. It is BEST served by justice, fair play, and the RULE of law! It is convenient fear that we should fear, along with the acts of those that would use their hijacked positions to feather their own nests (and the nests of their class!) at the expense of those that they have NEVER respected, really -- ordinary Americans and anyone else in (and off!) the world!

Chill, America!  Take a deep breath (you -can-!) and know that everything is not as it appears on the Fox news channel, CNN, or network news.  We're threatened to be sure, but that threat comes from unexpected corners and un-admitted shadows and not -entirely- from foreign peoples who hate us for right, wrong, and all manner of different reasons. 

We're not alone on this globe, good reader.  We should stop acting as if we were despite the aggregate success we enjoy as a result of it.  As a suspected result, a lot of the fear that we endure presently might just go away or evaporate like the uninformed fog it really is.  Be that as it may, we should not be coerced by our fear, manipulated by it, or lose as a result of it, especially if it doesn't even exist!  That's not America, not the one I've fought for at any rate.  I'd suggest that it is not the reader's America either.

 For AlienViews... read on!



Peter Coyote -- one very "with it" guy...

...For certain?


"UFOs and Certainty"
Review and Commentary regarding
James Fox's Film Documentary
"UFOs -- Out Of The Blue"

UFOs are a certainty of a type that is -sure- and beyond all rational skepticism.  They are a certainty that belies the ponderous arguments of the rabid debunker.  They are a certainty measured in a number so close to the whole number "one" (or a hundred percent), that the impossibly TINY remainder (that mega-microscopic difference of undaunted doubt...) is without a scintilla or a shred of any MEANING, the remotest SUBSTANCE, or the smallest SIGNIFICANCE!  Such is the CERTAINTY that we are -not- alone in the universe.

All the major propeller noggins, brainiacs, high-domes, and eggheads think so, too, as does the majority of an educated population of people who believe humankind actually landed on the moon.  Major religious apologists think so.  Respected groups of scientists, government executives, and professional people think so.  This writer thinks so.  It is more likely than not that the reader thinks so, too...

So how is it, then, that there is this disconnect between belief and behavior?  From  what presupposed "where" comes this steadfast refusal to acknowledge this *certainty* and act accordingly? What generates this lack of interest in rejecting the baseless ignorance our interest-conflicted corporate *leadership* (and its lap-dog white-bread media) stealthily imposes? Why do we -continue- to tolerate these duplicitous entities who live on to -further- encourage the rank and file to giggle up their sleeves in mocking denial of CERTAINTY? 

A more rational, intelligent and far looking approach, alternatively, is accepting this valid -certainty- regarding "new people" in previously "undiscovered countries"... "across a river" we don't yet know -how- to cross!  In other words, acknowledge "new people" not of this Earth ... cop to the Extraterrestrials... admit to Aliens!  ...And Aliens a little more advanced than we are, too, on more than a -few- levels.  We may be bumping up against the *problem* right -there-, but I digress.

...Aliens from space...  What a concept, eh?

But a concept not substantially different from the people newly discovered in a just discovered America by a barely seaworthy Europe of the post renaissance! Spain and Portugal were the aliens then (forgetting the aliens don't have to -be- Spain and Portugal). 

Moreover, it is a more fortuitous concept this time around because we have a little more knowledge and a tad more experience with which to deal with it.  Though, again, what keeps us from this birthright of discovery that we are by no means -alone- in a universe infinitely grander than even the most intelligent of us could appreciate?  A "reach" -must- exceed its "grasp", reader, or we're dull as Nancy Reagan's fashion sense at the age changing denouement.

What are the roots of this brand of intellectual cowardice?  What are the mechanisms of this cowardly denial?  Outmoded "Tradition" and questionable "Ceremony," and those more comfortable maintaining it for reasons of their own, perhaps?  More on that later.

James Fox handily considers these startling concepts and questions of far reaching and elevating potentiality, and more, in his film "UFOs -- Out of the Blue," and provides the fence-sitting skeptic abundant reason to climb down on the side of cautious acceptance for the idea that -some- (if not many) UFOs are intelligently controlled craft ... not of Earthly manufacture... in authenticity, in actuality, in reality, and in fact!  Get used to it. 

You will, -anyway-!

Fox provides ample demonstration that the truth -is- stranger than the fiction woven and embroidered artfully by corporate entities at cross purposes to the human beings they should be serving.  Plus, he offers (believably and on balance) an ID for these back-stepping corporate entities. They are the -same- corporate entities, it turns out, as the ones Dwight Eisenhower warned us about, so forcefully and convincingly, we're shown, at the close of Eisenhower's term in office when he left his presidency.  This is a non-elected leadership, remember, and one without humane responsibility, accountability or conscience.  Truly, it is an irresponsible leadership who has fundamentally ignored the elected leadership, Fox points out, and largely because they manufacture them from persons of their own choosing, -this- writer observes.  Verily!

Moving on, this film is a worthy effort competently executed by a rational team of truth seekers led by Fox and has a serious message for the (uninformed) viewer that is SPOT-ON!  Fox's production is -not- a film necessarily for the ardent student of ufology who has familiarized herself with the intricacies of the general lore (a small minority).  Fox's production is -not- a film, necessarily, for the professional researcher who has ferreted out that which -is- known about this subject (an even smaller minority) and who will, even justly, contest the validity of the production based on its flaws.  "Out of the Blue" is, flatly, -not- a film for the rigid and reactionary debunker (a suspicious minority given inordinate credence and hijacked mainstream support), who will unfortunately make distracting (and unethical) use of the film's aforementioned few flaws to unjustly discredit the ENTIRE sterling effort.
The STUDENT minority may be aware of all or most of the facts presented, and will ask what is new.  The RESEARCHER minority will contest the validity of some of the principals used in interview and some of the ufological footage used as illustration.  He will therefore fall into the hands (and purposes) of the conflicted DEBUNKER minority who can then crow -too- loudly about the testimony and involvement of controversial persons such as Doctor Greer, Colonel Corso, and Sergeant Clifford Stone.  These "skepti-bunkies" will too loudly utilize the contested inclusion of these persons in a busy attempt to, by extension, discredit the very credible testimony of persons like Professor Sturrock, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Gordon Cooper, and Admiral Lord Hill Norton, more credible persons featured in Fox's film.  This is the scurrilous using the microscopic to invalidate the macroscopic, democracy being used to destroy democracy, as an analogy, so as to, perhaps, continue to hide the truth is plain sight! 

This film -is- for the person who would scrape the scales from their eyes.  This film -is- for the person who is CURIOUS about the larger reality that we accelerate towards with ever more apparent, unsettling, and discomfiting speed.  It -is- for the person interested in a serious chronicle of events that might lead the open-minded individual to the rational conclusion proposed: that we are being visited by (and are interacting with on some level) off-Earth cultures, and that our *puppet* governments, motivated by their own non-elected elite for reasons of arbitrary convenience, have been LYING to the rank and file about it from the very beginning! 

...And not for the -benefit- of that rank and file, either...

Additionally, the rigid skepti-bunky will appropriate the use of discredited Meier and contested Mexican footage, used in Fox's film, to disqualify other, much more convincing footages of UFOs, footage that brought -this- jaded ufological writer right up out of his chair!  One of theses clips -still- dazzles after numerous reversals, slow motion frame to frame, and re-winds.

The aforementioned footage opens up on a very slightly blurred and heat distorted daytime home movie camera image (but a competent one) of a glowing disk of indeterminate size angling downwards in a gracefully arcing dive to the hot dry desert floor.  Words on the screen say White Sands, New Mexico 1996. 

The size of the object becomes apparent as it makes contact with the parched daytime soil and gouges up car sized clots of assaulted earth (that would take many seconds to fall to the ground!) and raises a huge cloud of dust that slides quickly out of frame as the unchanging and still glowing orb (!) inexplicably BOUNCES  like a skipping stone (!) and is then followed on its ricocheting trajectory by the camera!  The size of the object is hard to judge but the violence of the distant impact (far beyond massive high tension electrical towers) indicates a size, at least, bigger and more massive than a light plane... perhaps even 747 sized!  There is no hint of a tail or a fuselage or wings or a cockpit where these would have been, clearly, visible.

Additionally, a tough military transport plane like a C-17 would have -pancaked- at the rate of closure and approach angle with which this *thing* struck the ground!  I've seen films of B-52s auger in with a lesser closure rate and attack angle, and they smear like a monster bug on a big windshield!  They, assuredly, don't bounce.

-This- thing bounced like a big smooth stone on a calm lake.  It did not deform or change its appearance in any way.  It did not begin to come apart or shed parts.  It did not lose so much as a fraction of the strange integrity it possessed before the crash... and it looked like it was just going to continue on its merry way completely unaffected by the initial contact with the ground... when the angle (after some seconds of continued flight) steered it to a steeper approach angle and terrible contact with the ground once again!  There was no bounce -this- time!  There was; however, a monstrous explosion! More earth was moved than on the -first- contact, and the saucer shaped orb exploded like a wineglass thrown at a brick patio, bursting into -thousands- of pieces of fractured light!  It was the most incredible purported UFO footage this writer has ever seen.

And that is the theme of Fox's treatment of the ufological, a treatment very low on woo-woo, and high on quality footage and the testimony of credible witnesses -heavily- represented by multinational educational, departmental, and elected government officials (or high ranking military).  This is forgetting, with outraged difficulty, the scurrilous and axe grinding attempted character assassinations on Mitchell and Cooper by skeptibunkies previous to the film's release (smears completely and thoroughly discredited by Jerry Cohen at , but I digress). 

The vast majority of the witnesses are solid, credible, and don't have the hidden agendas of their discouraging detractors to prosecute! Fox very effectively catalogues credible incidents in his film and composes the associations of very -valid- points being made with UFO footage that was, at -minimum-, UFO footage purported to be genuine at one time, and was merely demonstrative!  And that is footage, additionally, at a -minimum- of screen time that is in -no- way representative of the aggregate verity of this important film as a whole!  Let's move on.

We are not alone!  Does the reader understand that?  This is not a momentary distraction from more pressing realities, good reader, this -is- the reality!  Fox makes that clear with a very credible and convincing production.  He provides convincing visuals that brought -this- jaded viewer to his breathless feet!  He presented facts and occurrences that this writer knows the majority of viewing individuals are not aware of and would find extremely interesting.  Finally, he supplies proof that quality persons of world class authority find the subject of UFOs one whole lot -less- dismissible than the hijacked mainstream would have the individual believe, and this by a long shot!  See the film!

In a sidebar, this writer reminds the reader that there are no amount of otherwise data-following researchers sharp-shooting the production and complaining about the verity of individual testimonies that should -remotely- damage the credibility of this film... The testimonies included are from individual persons that for RIGHT, WRONG, or INDIFFERENT reasons are, still, a cross section of -all- the people (liars AND saints!), and who are all pointing forcefully in the SAME freaking direction, also still! 

Some of them ARE fake!  So?  SO!?!  So how is that NEWS?  The fraudulent will not make the genuine any LESS genuine, despite the suggestions of the most vociferous debunker. Some of them are ALWAYS fake! 

BUT!  Some of them, in TURN, are -NOT-! 

James Fox thinks that that the preceding should give one pause to reconsider.  Much of it is -not- fake, good reader!  Presidents have confirmed it.  Science quantifies and qualifies it.  Common -sense-, as it astonishingly turns out, DEMANDS it.  All the photographic, historical and anecdotal evidence points to it, and the public can accept it as plain as the nose on their astonished faces (!), Fox seems to conclude.  It -is- the future, and Fox suggests thinly , moreover, that we should begin living in it.

Fox makes this more than patently clear in "UFOs -- Out of the Blue", whatever the criticism of his axe grinding critics, well meaning or no!  He does it in an intelligent manner that belies the fantastic quality of the subject matter, and he even tells the viewer who is at the bottom of the general cover-up, even if the ID is not helpful.  Who are they?  "They" are the military/Industrial complex. 


...-Not- very helpful is it (?) -- like trying to hold *fog* responsible for its behavior (and that's the point of corporate design, actually -- the avoidance of  personal liability... responsibility).  But they are, actually, human beings -not- entirely unlike the reader, sir and madam!  They are individuals contributing large and small to corporate interests, interests -comfortable- using the INSTITUTION of that corporation as a way to diffuse guilt and avoid personal responsibility, for causing massive ignorance and huge suffering in the whole rest of the world they would draw their profit from, and keeping their big lie alive...  If anyone ever asks you who "THEY" are, that's who they are... persons who manipulate or -help- to manipulate other persons for the purposes of their own personal enrichment REGARDLESS of that cost to others.  Sociopaths by any other name.  So -this- writer,  director James Fox, and the film's narrator, Peter Coyote, would seem to contend.

Be that as it may, Fox's fine film is important and a quality addition to the curious individual's essential library of visual and print materials regarding the *larger* reality... a reality largely rubbished in suspicious supermarket tabloids, to paraphrase Admiral Lord Hill Norton from the film.  It is -more- than equal to the low price of its admission. 

Information in that regard can be found on the film's website at: , along with more details about the film, facts regarding prestigious awards that fox's film has won, and pertinent links to the film's ernestly convincing narrator (and former legendary Digger!), Peter Coyote.  I watched the film three times for this review and found it more compelling with each subsequent viewing.  It is eminently worthwhile even with its forgettable flaws, it is concise and complete, and it is very well executed. Finally, it portrays a -certainty- actually there! 

For AlienViews, read on!





You Can't Call Them "Crap-Circles" Anymore

By Alfred Lehmberg

It is a much larger world than we know. 

Much grander and more expansive than we even -could- know, it is composed of times, spaces, and dimensions suspected and unsuspected... but times, spaces and dimensions only beyond chaffing limits perhaps too reflexively and fearfully self-imposed... or suspiciously imposed upon us!  In this larger reality, likely, swim the prerogatives, imperatives, and unfathomed purposes of gargantuan cosmic beings, swift on any level and -all- levels of that measure.  Presently? -We- are but a mote in some distracted God's hoary eye.  We barely but exist. 

 That's -enough- as it turns out.

 Be not too disheartened, discouraged or otherwise depressed good reader. To the contrary, rejoice!  Be invigorated and energized, sir and madam, be electrified with excitement concerning not a rebirth... but a -new- birth of human intelligence, cognitive ability, and our elevated place in an impending LARGER reality, slowly (quickly?) resolving as we speak! 

 Truly, a new renaissance reveals itself (if the reader would allow) -- one that will -not- take five hundred years to individually actualize for -some- of the masses like the last one. It will happen soon, very likely, in a matter of days, weeks, or months (for -all- the masses!), if it does not occur more swiftly in hours, minutes or seconds!

 This is what Academy Award nominated director/producer William Gazecki brilliantly succeeds in doing with his landmark documentary, "Crop Circles -- Quest for Truth".  He delivers the (even skeptical!) viewer, dazzlingly, to the threshold of that "new renaissance" and informatively, -intelligently-...  comprehensively... educates him with concerned regard to a very measured, painstakingly recorded, photographed and otherwise passionately studied... enigmatic series of *cereal* events!  In other words, Crop Circles are real, flatly, in the aggregate, and so they are nowhere -near- as dismissible as a corrupted mainstream would have its rank and file reflexively believe.  Not by a -long- shot.

 Moreover, hoaxed circles are dismissed as beneath contempt, concern, and favorable consideration by Gazecki (and -this- writer!).  Of course there are hoaxed circles, he will readily admit!  But that's not the issue, he informs, and no time is wasted in the film on its discussion save a few seconds in, pertinent, passing.  One can go anywhere else, actually, and be flam-boozled with knee-jerk dismissals of laughed at and derided crAp-circles from both sides of the ufological aisle.  Ufologist Dr. Kevin Randle and CSICOP's Dr. Phil Klass, both card carrying "crAp-circle" advocates, spring readily to mind.

 But as Gazecki comments in a director's interview on the DVD (and briefly in the film), how is it that these *hoaxers* "always finish what they start", and where do they "-practice-" this meticulous perfection of flawless execution?  Where are the blunders otherwise abundantly found in any other human execution of an extremely complicated task? 

 Where? No!  Tell me WHERE... is this army of genius artists "without egos" (astoundingly selfless and uncontestablely  talented men and women)?  They are REQUIRED to execute, flawlessly, delicate artistic balances of line and curve, light and shadow, and other rules of artistry (to include the sacred or eternal geometrical or the strict adherence to the natural measure of the artistic "golden mean")?  Verily, who hoaxes 200 quality circles a year, world-wide, for the last ten years?  Who operates with no recognition, no pay-off -- no reward?  Who?  Clearly, few to none.  Not enough to make -all- these Crop Circles -- safe to say.

 Most circles may -be- fake, respected reader.  But MANY are -not-.  Seriously, says Gazecki. That should, at least, give one pause... even if it does not fuel a continuous personal epiphany as it does for -this- writer.

 Moving on, what's so convincing about Gazecki's documentary is the completeness of its production package.  If the watcher wants "Science", it is there.  It the watcher wants "History", it is there, too.  If the watcher wants the very experience of wandering around in a new circle and perceiving the same kind excitement and energy that the principal researchers feel... they can have it by the sprung-sided boxcar!

 Science is reflected in the measurement of these enigmatic circles and it is science that determines the degree of the circle's complexity. It is science that handily obliterates the now tedious argument that any amount of erstwhile "Doug and Daves" would be stomping them out, drunkenly, with a string and a board!  Plant studies and soil analysis by Doctor W.C. Levengood, among other competent and respected scientists, indicates that the energy creating Crop Circles has seemingly magical growing properties which are stunningly profound.  Node length studies demonstrates that an unknown energy is used (in some cases) that unevenly expands the stalks of some crops to lay them down, evenly expands them to keep them standing, or blows out the "node"  of them altogether like an exploding aerosol can (!) as some circles are materialized! 

 Other studies find strange magnetic properties and enigmatic artifacts in the soil.  They also detect a linear effect of these anomalous energies and artifacts that tapers off from the center of the circle... but still inexplicably manifests the effect all the way out to control plants that are not even in the construction.  The suggested scope of these effects and the complexity of the energies producing them is HUGE, Gazecki plainly demonstrates. 

 Other mysterious Crop Circle effects are determined to have measurable linear distributions.  Indeed,  as Gazecki makes abundantly clear, dozens of quality scientific investigations have been made, are -not- conclusive, and are ongoing, still.  Serious science comes up significantly short, and is now compelled to break bread with spiritualists, who in turn take meta-physicists and pragmatists into their intellectual beds... which can only be a -good- thing, Gazecki illustrates.

 History is accounted for in the filmed testimony of the farmers involved, farmers who make every indication that the phenomenon has been going on with them (and their neighbors) since they were children, and then long before that!  Lettered historians interviewed point to old wood cuts and prints from the fifteenth century that talks about fairy rings and devil's circles, thought (to this day, actually, in some parts of the US!) to be playgrounds or meeting places for demons, witches, and other satanic imps! 

 Earlier, before the common era, stone circles and mounds were said to have perhaps been laid out on suddenly appearing Crop Circles in an effort to keep the power of the circle contained beneath them or to commemorate them in these hoary times gone long passed.  In short, the viewer gets a very clear picture of the historical evolution of the entire phenomenon as Gazecki's film cunningly unfolds.

 As a cinematic effort, the film is a masterpiece of tight storytelling and stunning photography. I can understand, completely, why Jeff Rense was virtually jumping up and down about it on his program -- Gazecki had it all in his film!  Science, philosophy, and metaphysics meet precipitously in cooperative meta-cognition the viewer is -present- for!  Many times I felt like I was down in the fields, myself, with the Crop Circle principals (affectionately known as Croppies) -- seeing what they saw and feeling what they felt! 

 To say the film was beautifully photographed is a massive understatement!  The play between the score and the visuals is nothing short of breathtaking... nothing short of ongoing spiritual epiphany!  One could almost smell the rape seed oil as an early morning sun glittered through crop stalks still standing.  One could almost smell the dust being kicked  up with their -own- feet, or feel the damp chill of an English summer dawn!  In Gazecki's film the individual is more -participant- than passive observer!

 Flatly and frankly?  The film was just a complete and total enchantment on any level one cares to name!

 I saw the film on television DVD and all the previously described effects were plain -there-.  I can only imagine what the feature looks like on the wall to wall silver screen of a real theatre.  I'm sure that it would be a whole new experience, an experience very INCOMPLETELY described in -this- article, to be sure!  The reader -must- campaign to see the film herself and demand that it comes to her town Cineplex.  See how this can  be done at Mr. Gazecki's web site, found at: or even purchase an inexpensive copy DVD (of the reader's own) to see again and again!.  Truly a few bucks -well- spent -- a small price to pay to be abundantly informed on one of the most consciousness-changing, mysterious, and baffling occurrences of our time!

 Finishing up, this review of Mr. Gazecki's effort barely scratches the surface of what is in store for the viewer as they take in (or internalize) this film.  The experience is as satisfying as a dinner feast, full of interviews with competent, committed and dedicated men and women who are educated, intelligent, aware, open-minded -- "with it", in short (in every sense of the word), so the film can be taken just as seriously as it was meant to be!

 In all candor, one may, and should, take this film -very- seriously.  There is no hyperbole or histrionics found in an ardent contention that watching this film -now- will go a LONG way towards preparing the viewer for the larger reality mentioned, earlier, at the start of this review and coming (inexorably) later.  Michael Glickman, professor, author, and lecturer (featured heavily in the film and who this writer wants to -be- when he grows up...) suggests this clearly when he opines at the close of the film (as it pertains to his certainty of a coming new reality or age) that we, "are... on the... -edge- of it."  Along with that thoroughly convinced assertion, Glickman communicates a genuine optimism (with regard to it) that -this- writer readily and enthusiastically echoes, reaffirms, and otherwise heartily endorses.  Real truth here, folks, is this writer's assessment...  

 Without reservation, "CropCircles -- Quest for truth" just may be the most significant piece of documentary film work -this- writer has ever seen.  I'm confident the reader will think so, too!  Lastly?  They can't call them "crAp-circles" any more.  No. William Gazecki puts -that- nonsense to rest.

 For AlienViews. Read on!



...NASAs UFOs?


Will Evans, a staff writer for the Sacramento Bee in California's Capital, reflects, in part, the following on January 14th at: .

It is with regard to UFOs plainly shown on NASA file footage recorded by Jeff Challender and waffled on by portentous pundits, the skeptibunky elite, and conflicted NASA officials.
Mr. Evans reports:
>>>"The longtime aviation junkie [Jeff Challender of Sacramento] started taping missions in 1997, just for fun, to edit each one into a documentary. But in 1999, he saw something that grabbed his attention: an illuminated dot, pulsating as it whizzed across the screen. Then, later, he saw many white dots moving around, changing direction and speed.

     What were they? Challender has been tracking similar' anomalies' ever since.

     'I want answers,' says the former railroad laborer. 'I believe something's going on and the facts are being kept from us.'     

NASA isn't so sure."
LEHMBERG COMMENTS:  A pox on suspect NASA, mere lap dogs of their corporate handlers!  Just another arm of a corrupt system manipulating the prevaricating smoke and distracting mirrors of an unelected leadership.  They only assume a patent cloak of patronizing condescension to hide their arbitrary guile!  Along with Mr. Challender, -this- writer would have some ANSWERS!
>>>" 'I'm not aware of any visuals of (extraterrestrial) activity,' says Fred Brown, executive producer of NASA Television."
LEHMBERG COMMENTS:  Mr. Brown is also unaware, apparently, of a controlling corporate hand shoved so far up his back-side that the quickly moving fingers have replaced his tongue and stirred the components of his brain !
 >>>"Challender points to incidents where the camera seems to zoom in on one of the dots and then cuts off the live footage -- signs, he says, of a cover-up."
LEHMBERG COMMENTS:  And if one has seen -any- of the -quality- stuff that Mr. Challender has recorded, the remotely conscious reader would smell "cover-up," too!  Much of this material is archived or referenced at
>>>  "Nonsense, Brown says. 'If those things were out there and we were trying to hide them, we wouldn't put them on NASA Television.' "
LEHMBERG COMMENTS:  Of -course- they would... or show -nothing- at all!  Moreover, they -do- try to hide them, or why does the current visual signal come, now, only after significant time delays subsequent to some of the -first- anomalous and highly strange sightings?  Additionally, they -would- plainly show some of the *sightings*, but only for the purpose of "hiding" them in plain SIGHT!  Be not fooled!
>>>  "Challender is probably seeing bits of liquid or ice, close to the camera, blown around by jets of gas from the shuttle, says Seth Shostak, an astronomer at the SETI Institute, a nonprofit organization running what used to be NASA's 'Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.' "
LEHMBERG COMMENTS:  Ah yes -- Dr. Shostak of Stanton Friedman's well identified "Silly Exercise To Investigate."  Just another guy that wants to keep his place at the funding trough, and a man reluctant to re-think his thoughts or re-do work thought done?  -This- writer is un-swayed!
>>> " 'You have to be careful,' [Shostak] says. 'They're very impressive if you're naive.' "
LEHMBERG COMMENTS:  Ha!  Pompously pointing a finger to proclaim the naivete of others, Dr. Shostak points THREE back at himself! Significant others make compelling and cited arguments that it is HE who is more abundantly naive!  Case in point:
>>>  "...But [Dr.] Jack Kasher, a retired University of Nebraska, Omaha, physicist, says he's viewed Challender's findings, concluding that they aren't ice particles and challenging anyone who says so to prove it."
LEHMBERG COMMENTS:  I've seen Doctor Kasher's work.  It is detailed and significant, and it -destroys- the feeble explanations of his axe grinding detractors, artless men who predictably attack the man when they cannot refute his airtight arguments!
>>>  Still, Shostak says, why would SETI spend millions searching for alien radio signals if there were Martians buzzing around every NASA mission?
LEHMBERG COMMENTS:  Ha ha!  Exactly!  Why indeed?  A straight answer to THAT question would re-write history and make bogus heavens FALL!  And if heaven CAN fall, it probably should!
>>>  "Shostak believes that there is alien life. If 10 percent of stars had planets and 1 percent of those supported life, there could be millions of worlds with life just in our galaxy, he calculates."
LEHMBERG COMMENTS:  ...Merely a loss-leader, throw-away, and meaningless comment so as to -appear- open minded.  He still won't *cop* that if he believes they could be -anywhere- then they could just as easily be -here-!  He won't *cop* that the abundant evidence of them -being- here has a history of thousands of years writ in ink, pressed into clay, and scratched into eternal stone... he blithely forgets the testimony of thousands, the quality photographs, and the physical trace evidence involved with their (obvious!) presence... how?
>>>  "But NASA would have no incentive to hide any evidence. 'That would be the greatest thing for NASA. Their budget would go up instead of going down,' he says."
LEHMBERG COMMENTS:  Yes!  That's the kicker argument.  That seems, at first glance, to be the definitive and unassailable dispute to Jeff Challender's astounding assertions!  But glance again!  That unctuous, facile, and patronizing comment ASSUMES the veracity of a "forward looking" and "clear-eyed" NASA motivated only by truth and driven to it by -real- science.  But is it really?  Can that assumption be made with -any- confidence?  -This- writer thinks not!  On reflection and being fair?  The reader can't either!  We are NOT alone, and a brave Jeff Challender has it on film!


For AlienViews, read on!


...Sheeple production?

A pragmatic person and a retired soldier, I can, of course, see
the need for *some* direction and oversight from culture and society. It is the product of *some* point to reality,
rationality, and realism that humanity (select portions of it,
anyway) stands on the landing of a 21st Century medical and
technical wonderland, as much as it does! But "Direction" and "Point", as practiced by elitist, sociopathic, and corrupted leaderships, institutions and agencies are just additional concepts to be abused and misused -- like "national security", "social security", or "homeland security"!

I'm a FAILED second-career public school teacher whose REAL education began, also, towards the end of a formal one, forgetting that it was the *formal* one which allowed me the opportunity for access to that larger, more satisfying, and more accurate *informal* one. And there's the rub.

An American public education system is plainly more interested in producing good, docile, and God fearing *employees* than it is in producing creatively intelligent, rational, critically thinking human beings, students and teachers. I was THERE, good reader! I -know- this to be true! Indeed it is among the unjust reasons I was summarily fired from a public school teaching position.

When John Dewey, the FATHER of American education, condemned the rank and file American man and woman to creative slavery in the service of this authoritarian elite of the corporate arbitrary, he was acting upon the strident and unabashed sociopathy of his times. This was a time when the mighty white was more than right and the mongrel brown should best leave town! This was a time of an appallingly applied eugenics and enforced sterilization (even
annihilation!). This was a time of an abject lack of meaningful
protection from corporate criminals selling substandard
consumables and enriching themselves on planet destroying planned obsolescence continuing today!

We begin to see the error of these shortsighted ways?

Another dean of American education, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, observed that the poor must be TRAINED to their poverty. The poor (anyone outside a privileged elite) are very broadly defined. Additionally, the reader can readily reason that if the poor can be so trained to accept their lot in cruel life the RICH can be trained in a similar, but opposing, manner. The general reader can bet that THOSE kids are being trained to be the leaders in this twenty-first century even as -their- children are -not-. No -- their kids are being trained in a manner clearly described by John Taylor Gatto (a minor god in -my- personal pantheon) to be the artless SHEEPLE so written about -- expendable motes as dry as the chalk dust in their pitiable classrooms.

I was not REMOTELY interested in producing sheeple-aping
employees, but in each individual achieving the creative and
self-actualizing personal goals of which they were able.
Somehow, I had convinced myself that this was the overriding goal of the America I believed in, an America that was the envy of the world, I thought -- an America that I had served so well on its flawed battlefields.

I would move that battlefield to America's classrooms. It is no -wonder- I would be torpedoed...

I am a very highly decorated retired military officer and combat veteran with impeccable credentials and bulletproof references that could -not- make it public education. Can the reader entertain, along with me, the idea that the problem was not -all- mine?

We are better than our manipulators. We see the value in our
individuality. We resent our trained poverty, our dearth of
respect from society and culture, and the lack of aggregate
humanity from our corporate overlords... we -will- drag these
hijackers of the mainstream screaming from their ivory towers
eventually, perhaps sooner rather than later. Even a "sheeple"
can only be expected to take so much. The individual IS key, and the REAL power behind anything else, after all.

Read on.



...paranormal huckster?


Here's a take that -won't- see the rounds of UFO Lists, Virginia, and that's that Mooney is a duplicitous prevaricator that should keep his yap shut, only because he doesn't know what the f--k he's talking about!  I'm sorry, but it just CHAPS MY ASS when intellectual cowards write authoritatively regarding something about which they know NOTHING! 
The proof of the flaw in his cant, his (at best) pathetic ignorance, and his blithely arrogant ineptitude can be found in the last paragraph, and it handily discounts the -rest- of his flawed assessment.  This is  _assuming_ that Spielberg's epic is -pure- fantasy (and we suspect it's not).
Mooney writes:
"Granted, if Taken admitted this [...that UFOs are generated bunk, essentially], it would also have to admit that Spielberg himself generated much of the lore that the series has now repackaged and dramatized. But at least the Taken crew seems willing to joke about it. In a recent interview, Taken screenwriter Leslie Bohem noted that Spielberg once said to him of alien abductions, "If this isn't true, then why are all these stories the same?" To which Bohem replied, "Maybe because of your movies?" That's not exactly fessing up to the existence of a vast media conspiracy—but it's a promising start."
Promising start my tired ufological ass!  Anybody that has done even the most -casual- reading of the quality ufological literature KNOWS that Spielberg lifted the whole of "CEIII" out of Dr. J.Allen Hynek's "The UFO Experience -- a Scientific Inquiry" (written in 1972 and alluding to a half century of preceding ufological history) and from the well respected work of Dr. Jacques Vallee   (who was even characterized throughout the film in the person of the French researcher). I'd expect that the REST of the story (Mooney wouldn't tell) had Spielberg tersely setting Bohem straight on the facts, and Bohem walking away from that exchange in the clammy grab of a new epiphany. 
But we won't read about that here, will we.  No certainly not here.  Mooney is wrong minded, wrong in spirit, wrong in FACT, and just plain wrong... ASSUMING that Spielberg's full of wild blue horse feathers (though we suspect he's not). 
Send -this- take around the UFO news groups with my encouragement!  Mooney (and his spurious ilk) need a clue, a wake-up call, and a spanking -- not necessarily in that order! 



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